
You have all the rights to publish any leaks you want and they have all the rights to cut you off . Don’t understand why this is a big deal?

If i try to put my cat in that thing i am not sure that i will live to tell the story. My cat doesnt want to be touched at all :(

‘’48-hour live stream of hamster butts ‘’

I dont understand why did you have to put the entire comic strip here since you provided a link . This is the second time you are doing this Why?

The mouth is small . Just saying.....

You have huge hands . Havent you?

Iwata’s thoughts on the new president i presume.......

Need a Gif for that NOW!

They also said that they wont go mobile....... Dont take anything for granted

The game is still in development . Nothing of what you wrote cant be fixed before the game goes gold. I dont understand the point of this article? Its still May and the game’s release date is September. Isnt a bit early to tell if the game is going to be sh*t?

Emm you cant sell repairs. The guy probably dropped a repair bot and notified the others

Jesus Christ. How can a person look so old at 23 and so young at 44. Did he find the fountain of youth? wtf!!

Well 10 years and counting......3 accounts.....7 lvl 90 char. My addiction still goes strong. Do i need a therapy ? Probably

Did he threat to kill someone?

Seeing the above video almost gave me a heart attack. This is ''handheld'' cruelty :(

The girl on the right is lovely . That ....thing on the left is like a drug addict

Seriously i would love to buy his house so i can keep this collection in that lovely organized room :)

Music is awsome !

Wow!!! And all i can draw is stick figures :(

How much abuse a gnome can take? Its not funny anymore :(