
You cant have everything . 60 fps is a stress for every console. Something has to go . Nintendo choose to drop aliazing. Iam fine with it.

Thank god you are not an artist. . The hero here is Bayo not the moon .

Is it bad to be a psycho when it comes to your work? i would have felt the same if my labor of love was butchered like that

I ll always remember the sh*t reaction from Zelda fans when Windwaker was revealed back in the Gamecube era.

After so many years and it still looks stunning. The quality of the video is horrible though

Well sure ..... only MMO's

So what pc do i have to get to play Skyrim with mods in all its glory? pls i need to know

The money is on consoles atm. Games sell less on PC's nowdays. Simple as that

I am not sure consumers will love Oculus. Personally i dont think i want to play games with that thing strapped on my head no matter how revolutionary it is

Same must need to happen with Miyamoto too. His creative days have passed. Nintendo needs new blood in leadership and in game creation. Iam sure there are many talented ppl in Nintendo ....... they just need a push

they didnt loose money but N64 and gamecube werent the smash hits Nintendo wanted.

You are old !!!

Are the heavy eyebrows and moustache part of the deal? i mean do i get those instantly at lvl 90 ? Thats all i care

What i see is not an Octopus but Majora's Mask . Its only me i guess

Can you promise me that i will be alive after i eat this so i can get the money? If yes i am up for the challenge

Wouldnt have said it better myself . Ty for the chuckle

This robot has boobs?. I saw boobs right? Its a she? Maybe i had too much coffee today :S

If i sh*t on a PS4 or on Xbox 1 will i see my video on Kotaku? Seems everything is news nowdays

You're cheap

This is Mario like you’ve never seen him before, and unlike so many of his next-gen rivals, he nips along at an effortless 60fps. If the true measure of new hardware’s worth is how stark the difference is between it and what came before, then this is the most next-gen game that 2013 has yet produced