
Agreed, I kept thinking it was odd that they would leave such a grand castle(that has strategic value since it has access to the coast) unmanned. I mean damn, they could have given it to a minor lord to maintain the upkeep.

Me too. I kept wondering if its a requirement for soldiers in westeros to have singing talent(Tyrion's mercenary was also good at singing)

Actually they are pretty similar. John says that you should reward betrayal with death preferably with your on hands. A lesson they learned in the first episode of season one.

To be fair they probably sent scouts ahead to make sure no one was waiting to kill them when they landed.

She's cutting their faces off.

Nice I didn't make that connection at all.

Well not really. She mentions that everyone that was invited took part in the red wedding. In this case all the male freys were a part of the slaughter.

It seems like everyone is leaving AV.

I might be reaching but I noticed that too. He showed flashes of furious anger only to quickly turn into a pussy. Maybe its the show shitting on hitler because why not or there is something more going on.

I'm really glad to hear that.

Is it just me or does Brock seem to really respect Joe.

Watched Talking Smack and I have to say, Daniel Bryan is the star of that show. Its back to its former glory.

This is Rusev's chance to get himself over if he's going to feud with Cena. We saw that Cena was more than willing to rise to AJ's level and make him look like an absolute star. I largely attribute it to him being phenomenal but feuding against Cena helped.

He's a bloody teenager mate. She had trusted him with something as mounamental as her suicide, so of course to him it would translate as the time when they finally get together.

So wait, they didn't dub him?

So here is the thing, what would you expect a "Don" to do in that situation?

Yup and I liked that he was taking a leaf out of Kim's book of go fuck yourself.

Not gonna lie, I was surprised when she kissed him. Their relationship is great but it has never registered as a romantic one to me until I saw her casually kiss him

That's his point though. Jimmy will revert back to slippin' jimmy the moment the world is against him. If it wasn't chuck, he would have started doing it in his tough cases.

I don't think so. This seemed like they were closing the chapter on Chuck's story.