
Oh well the site has been dying a slow death I guess the finally found a final resting place for it.

Oh yeah that makes much more sense.

What's the story about KInja?

Yup me too. He's actually been very accommodating to Sam and not dismissive at all.

I kind of liked it. At least littlefinger is showing why he's survived seven seasons of Game of Thrones.

Haha yeah that made no goddamn sense at all. So what exactly is he going to do if he couldn't find the relevant information?


Some really good acting in that scene, from Tyrion being devastated by what his let loose in his country to Turly Senior and Rickon standing up to the mad woman with the dragons. So great.

Cersei getting pregnant should not surprise you. It is inline with her character because the only thing she's ever loved were her children so of course she's going to want another one.

Haha, Yes! I want this to happen. It would be so great.

Hey to be fair it worked. If they Mass produced them they could easily take out a dragon.

Dragonstone seems to be closer to Eastwatch. Remember how fast Stannis made it to the wall.

I was still kind of disappointed when the episode ended without a massive set piece. They've really spoiled us this season.

Nope guards confirmed it. They didn't notice Tyrion was Tyrion but rather a dwarf that look like Tryrion. Which would have fetched them quite a bit,

Lol did you expect him to run back INTO the city? or hide underneath rock maybe?

why would that astound you?

Hmm so are we pretending we didn't already know that Jon is a true Targ?

Roasting in silk is actually quite relaxing.

I was most definitely rooting for Bran and Jaime in that fight. They were the underdogs in the fight and other than Tully all the characters on Jaime's side were like-able, even Dickon. Plus I can't root for Dany burning guys alive, that must have been hell, roasting in metal armor, shudder.

Agreed. Its good to talk about episodes without someone yelling Spoilers and stifling teh conversation.