
Oh well looks like GoT reviews are the only things that will keep me around here and once the season ends that will be it for me and AV Club. It was a cool time AV.

That just bums me because Arya has also become a somewhat emotionless character. They'll all just be sombre and grim together.

Seeing Tyrion orchestrate an attack on his own home made me remember Theon dickless Greyjoy and how he led the attack at winterfell.

Rape was the last thing from my mind.

huh, I would have thought reign was the right word for that.

The perfect thing about that scene is that while Jamie might agree, Joffrey did die a horrible death, something that he went out of his way to spare Olenna, and then the Queen of fucking Roses tells him she did it.

Yes! this is the best..Hahaha , it could even be better than the actual thing.

no petry loved Cat

he's dickless is what he is.

Oh please Theon would have done the same thing at any point in his life.

Especially after telling him how his adopted mother(that he loved) really hated Jon.

Bullshit, she's still going to winterfell.

I know right. Like she can defintely ride on a Direwolf.

Upvote for using Verisimilitude.

This is exactly what I thought about.

Wait..wait..wait..hold up..First of all what gets taken away, the stones or the pillar?

What thats more unbelievable than Dragons and Zombies?

Dany and Varys was cool. Varys not taking her shit was great to see.

Littlefinger is a character I want to trust so I can relax and enjoy the show But I know the limey Git is up to something and if he does make his move it will be at the worst possible moment.

Hey Missandei has amazing tits. Thats all the reason we need.