
Yeah, I thought it was poignant when he mentioned that there aren't that many Mcgills left. But I doubt he'll drop it because it sullies "his good reputation", he is way to stubborn to let other people's opinion of him to determine his life. The decision will be a personal and internal one.

Yeah that would be too much.

Love seeing Braun back its a shame its a few weeks removed from Joe winning Number one contendership cause that was his spot.

It seemed like they booed when he gave it to Carmela. I can see how Elseworth winning the case would have intrigued a lot of people to tune in on Tuesday.

It was good but not repeat watch it good.

Eh the Main event was pretty entertaining. We had Styles confirm why its impossible to hang from the case and still unclasp it.

I love that Kevin Owens never walks on his face. Its subtle character like that, that makes me love his work. He just understands this shit.

Yeah It was the first time I bought Nakamura as a star on the main roster. Hell I wish they bring back the King of The Ring Tournament just so he could win and they can feel comfortable calling him King of Strong Style.

The American Alpha being off TV for awhile is a good thing. You're forgetting that tehy were steam rolling through the entire division. Hell they even beat the entire division in a single night at one point IIRC. So now at least we have the New day as a new threat, the fashion police have been given time to get over

The thing with Kim is understandable, someone in his position of power cannot just let an employee, especially one that he's mentored, to bite the hand that feeds and not retaliate in some way. At least he wasn't as vindictive as fucking Chuck.

Howard's Ok. He's never really done any thing overtly bad.

Hey even Saul had empathy.

Shit man no one could get you a cab home after getting out of the hospital? That's pretty sad.

Part of Gus' mystic is that he's the professional drug dealer. A show based around him would be boring since as a porfessional he would want to avoid as much conflict as possible.

What an odd policy to have. Did it have something to do with him not wanting to portray a stereotype?

They actually used the same kind of cut before. There was a scene where Kim was going to take a 5 minute power nap and it just cut to the alarm ringing just as she closed her eyes.
Its actually a very neat call back.

I expected her to crash when her car got stuck in the sand. Then I expected the piece of wood to come off and impale her but I remembered this isn't fargo.

Damn it I guess the Dog plot died with the bald guy. All though why bring him up in the last episode at all.

Keeping them off TV for awhile is good for them. There was a time they were always on TV regularly beating up the entire tag division.

But win-loss records don't matter.