
I expected Kim but Ernesto has nothing to do with Kim and we know that Chuck set it up so Ernesto would hear.

You really think so. Maybe its just me but the man hasn't had a great match(IMHO) since Sami.

They should hold off a AJ/Nakamura for awhile but then again if anyone is going to get Shinsuke over, its AJ.

I agree on Nakamura. This is the point where he proves just how big of a star he is, since the main roster crowd isn't as invested in his persona as the die hard NXT fans are.

You probably are.

Lol get out of here.

more like Vince hasn't figured it out yet you mean.

I'm on board with that. Ambrose hasn't lived up to his number one draft pick hype, so I can see him leaving for Raw for a potential shield reunion.

I'm still a little bit apprehensive that AJ is going to Raw. God I hope not. Give him another year on Smackdown as the King and then draft him after next years Mania.

As long as AJ styles remains in Smackdown, I am interested in seeing how the draft will pan out.

grab a sit.

I still don't know why he didn't Lucille Rick after his "I'll kill you" speech again. Rick did it in the first episode and he stamped that shit down.

You would be surprised what a cult can make you do in a month.

wow its like you never had to sit through Herschel's goddamn farm.

True but yo know Arrow would have milked it if it was true.

Is it not a deeply interesting question?

They would have made a big show out of killing her if she was truly dead. Instead they cut away too fast from it for it to be anything other than a fake out.

Whoa, some real venom from Cena on Talking Smack there.

First of all, Mauro not being on TV was really noticeable. I know he was late last week but what is the reason this week?

How so?