
I am genuinely interested in the premise for the show. I'll watch it to see how they handle such a topic.

AJ was so Savage that even the "We break people's legs by stomping on them" Usos were against it.

These are all things they could have addressed after The King had been told about the Plan.

I find it really really odd and dissappointing that the King and his crew would let a relative stranger choke, His Right hand man, to death.

Man that Phenomenal Forearm into an RKO fake out was so so good.

To be fair. We could argue that he wasn't always as good looking when he was young.


Just be done with it already then.

LoL if that is something that bothers you that much. Then don't bother.

You can't be serious

LoL why is it sad?

Yeah I thought that was an odd thing for them to linger on BUT so far we haven't had any other indication of such a thing happening.

Honestly, that scenario doesn't play out alot.

Choke her? Did we watch the same episode or did I miss something.

How did she make him confess?

I'm curious..how should that session play out for him not to come off as manipulative?


Wow, I'm very confused as to why Charlotte had to lose her PPV streak like that. Like, what was the point of building it up in the first place?

Braun Vs Roman was actually pretty entertaining. Sure Roman winning was obvious BUT he made Braun look Strong and that matters alot.

What was your reaction to the Hamburger thing?