
Come on guys. I respect the fact that you don't like the guy BUT this is absurd.

Thing is, Shane has shown that he's really not into stepping back into the ring(I'm referring to his segments on talking smack about being in the Rumble).

How does this make him look weak? Randy had to sacrifice his ego and character just to get a chance to do something like this.

Braun is awesome, so as long as they book him strong after Roman, I don't care.

To be fair to charlotte,she's actually becoming a legit Superstar and that's because they've handed her the brass ring and she hasn't dropped it.

Reigns Vs Strowman has potential because Braun is BAE.

Cesaro needs to work on his Mic Skills. Its honestly the only thing holding him back right now.

Whats the story behind Vince not liking Managers?

Personally I don't care. I'm officially a Braun Strowman Mark.

Kayfabe wise, it makes absolute sense for a heel to align with the Authority because it guarantees them a spot at the top.

From a viewers point of view, it makes sense.

I still don't understand why Oliver was so willing to Kill Prometheus. He's acknowledged that they seem to have gone through a similar path. So why kill him?

Damn but I hate it when someone who was eliminated, eliminating someone. Like what is the logic there.

Man whichever brand gets The Revival are going to be in a great position because I honestly believe they can bring out the best in the Tag Team Division.

The more I see of Enzo, the more I'm convinced that KO was non-Kayfabe telling Cas that Enzo was holding him back
(their little talk on talking Raw stood out to me)

I really wish that Cedric had stepped up and put himself on the spotlight(Jack got himself over). A spotlight Cedric vs Neville at WM would have been money.

this is most definitely the WM booking for that Championship

I am very much on oard the "MAKE STRAUMAN LOOK STRONG" Train.

No one else blames him for that. So I don't think that's it.

Until Bray is no longer the master. So I think Bray might be losing to Harper soon and this will cast doubt on whether he is really the master.