
I still can't take Kalisto seriously after his "good Lucha things" goof.

Yes it would.

Well their loss is our gain. Plus I think AJ deserves to play in the big leagues and being stuck as the face of TNA wouldn't have got him there.

Mad Props to AJ Styles. He handled the wardrobe malfunction like a professional. Just more proof that he is the best in WWE right now.

Not kill her neccesarily but punish her. After all, he's all about the rules.

Apparently he runs the same script on every group he meets. Which means that he makes sure that he's broken them down completely e.g"I just slipped my dick down your throat and you thanked me".

Yeah, I don't get why Pantry lady got away with that. She has absolutely no value to Negan and she basically did what he's been trying to get everyone to not even consider..attack him.

WELL, after a while, its actually going to become a bid deal.

I'm legit pissed off that Roman is now in the main event picture, basically making the US title irrelevant.

Yeah Miller tossing around AoP should have been a big moment.

Man The Revival are just legendary.

Its like the Flash and Arrow have some kind of agreement that both of them can't be good at the same time.

Tom is actually very prominent and I've noticed a pattern where he speaks after JBL and then passes to Mauro.

fuck you too stranger.

not really though. He could just ignore her. Say he's too busy farming or killing walkers at the fence or dealing with the Governor…

I've read your last sentence 5 time now and I can't understand it.

see, all those fears were perpetuated by the media at the time and those people were just trumpeting what they had on TV.

You know what. I would have loved to see JOhn Oliver explain the Real fears that Trump can perpetuate backed up by facts.

thank you. at least we can agree that we are all biased and no one is really right.

Well , not literally abandon but he could have decided not to really care about Judith's safety and well being.