
Because a good half of your population voted for him. Maybe, just maybe they see something you don't .

nope, I didn't laugh once during the entire episode.

glad to see that you recognize that your imagined fears are baseless.

wow..holy shit, wow.

wait, aren't you guys doing the same with Trump?

Man, that felt like watching an episode of Bill O' reilly .

She's not his child, she was the child of a man who had tried to kill him just so he could raise his family.

what about him is tiring to your senses?

The point I got from the Daryl episode..is that Negan breaks everyone down to the point where they just can't contemplate resistance anymore.

Yeah I remember when Ledger's joker Burned Money just to show everyone how crazy he was.

meh this is a disgusting attempt at generalization and invalidating other's people opinion.

good for you, you hoped for something bad to happen

medicine isn't a needless reason.

"his speech to Michonne that tries to justify his behavior by talking about the fact that he knows Judith isn’t his biological daughter is bizarre, and does nothing to clarify anything."

how is the flash nowadays?

Yeah, I agree, the fresh new recruits should be on a need to know basis, especially because they are inexperienced.

I could be but I really wish it isn't. We need someone who can bring back the kind of performance Manu Bennet gave.

well to be fair Barry could probably put on his costume on his way there.

That's actually pretty interesting. The show gets a legit reason to retcon somethings.

I think it might be The special task force guy , he has a very menacing air to him.