
Thats his actual moniker? Real nice, it would explain why an angel and a demon would ask him to kill someone.

From how the Brand split is shaping out to be, I don't think Cesaro being on Raw is such a bad thing for him after all.

Wow, is getting bolder really such a horrible evil thing, so evil that it should be stamped down as soon as possible.

He did not insist. Stop lying to yourself. He cheerfully suggests that he'll should stay over since he's been spending a ton of time with the kids already and he thinks they won't mind.

No he didn't.

Why would you still think that will happen when we just saw devout,church going Emily ,straight up lead a person she knows to a horrible gruesome murder.

Why does that surprise you though?

Its funny how people are so willing to be ignorant of the facts you just posted.
If the roles were reversed they would be baying for blood.

"pretty much manipulated Emily into being his girlfriend and based on the phone call he was somewhat controlling of her."

Ha! so that was the reason that was the first thing my mind jumped to when that scene showed up. cool.

Wait hold on reviewer..what were Emily's reason for murdering the Mayor?
At no point has the show ever given any indication that he's done anything to warrant such disgusting evil from someone he loved.

The fact that people like Baron Corbin and Natalya got picked before him must sting.

Man how disappointing for Cesaro and Kevin Owens. Either one or both of them would have become gigantic stars on Smakcdown, instead it seems they are doomed to stay in that Upper midcard position.

The prison/asylum theory is really neat. It would explain why his psychiatrist would choose to see him again.

I fully expect them to be split up by the brand.

You have to work on not getting triggered by things, especially entertainment that you have already consciously decided to suspend your disbelief.

I don't like Cersei at all but damnit it felt good when she got her comeuppance on Ulna(didn't even know she had a name)

I thought she stole a face and replaced it with the waif's.

Its been mentioned over and over again that there are caches of the stuff hidden throughout the entire city.

I will be terribly dissapointed if Sansa chose to betray her family again.