
Didn't she steal a face from the face room before she left?

Hmm, I don't remember the prophecy well but didn't mention her greatest moment turning to ash or something like that?

The problem with Dean is that he's a guy with a specific number of moves with some that require ludicrous set up(the bouncing off the rope annoys me).
He's very much a John Cena, a character that will forever be typecast and won't evolve.

haha..so she botched again. Poor woman.

Crazy theory: Aery's died saying "burn them all" over and over again. What if it was another Hodor scenario? After all, other than Dragon glass only fire, especially wildfire, would be able to stop the white walkers.

Ok, how exactly is trump going to set people's rights back a hundred years later?

Dean winning it makes the most sense story wise. They could tap into what you said about them not acknowledging him at all.

"But seriously: Who do we think was going to be in the seventh MITB spot? My thought is Miz, but then The Marine got in the way."
Its most probably Orton.

She was even blind and the waif would appear and beat her ass out of nowhere for a couple of episodes just to reinforce how running from the faceless men would be like.

or its still part of her indoctrination test and she'll wake up in the temple.

I don't care as long as we have Capaldi for another Five Seasons.

Couldn't she just be pretending to forget who archer is? This way he's even more enamored with her and has to prove himself to her again.

Well to be fair, we've seen that the Flash has no gripes klling people. At least Oliver goes trough a crisis of conscience.

Well Cena is coming back and I'm sure he still has a lot of years left in him.

looking at it from a smark point of view. I really appreciate how cunning Kevin Owens was in setting up that feud with cole. Because every time he directly talks to cole he's sort of directly communicating with the audience at home. He's creating a very good level of familiarity with the other millions of fans at home.

Where the hell was the genius who invented a chip that could make you walk again just to impress his cute boss?

For a second I thought the video had glitched out or something. It just quickly cut to something else.

Didn't Barry direct a nuke like weapon to the ocean in one of the flash episodes?

From what we know of Lyla, I highly doubt that she'd be in the least bit bothered that Dig outright murdered his brother.

seriously though, how good is iZombie?