
How can anyone forget Awake. It had such an awesome concept.
Which reality do you think was real? Wife or sons.

It never got better after the first 2 episodes? Thats a shame because I've always been planning on catching up.

Zoom also gets smaller every time he takes off the mask.(I know that a different actor plays zoom in the mask) but

Expecto Patronus is like the most memorable spell from the movies, second to the AK.
So it makes sense to use it.

Of all the 3 dads, Joe was the best. I love his relationship with Barry and how he trusts him to know what he wants for himself.

what does Iris even loving Barry add to the story? The dynamic will still remain the same, with the only difference being that they make out a couple of times.

I always skip any Iris scene and this just proves that I haven't been missing out on anything.
Too shitty.

I chuckle every time someone casually strolls in there.

But Vince wants his Superstars to be viewed as larger than life and more than human.

" I don’t love that WWE feels the need to show the injury over and over again."
Yeah this threw me off during the PPV. They kept replaying a legit injury over and over again, making me think it was a work.
Pretty weird and something I doubt Vince would have personally allowed.

Oh, then that makes sense. We've only ever seen Lannisters in the Sept so I've always assumed its somewhere in the Castle.
Still though there should have been some King's guards guarding the King and the Sept.

It still doesn't make sense to me how the Church people(I forget their name) seem to have taken over King's landing and how they can seemingly walking in and out of the Palace like that.

Except when your Barry, then you'd probably roofie your alternate self and go on to bang his wife.

Mauro masterfully hyped up Nakamura/Zayn in the video package before their match.
They should just replace Byron with Mauro right now.

best thing about Sami/Nakamura..is that Zayn adopted the strong style in the ladder match. Thought it was a nice match.

Can you imagine if Game of Thrones pulled this shit with Ned? T

The Slapstick was not impressive to me at all. Seemed completely out of place in Archer

Is it just me, or have The Flash and Arrow ramped up their Pop culture references and Modern slang ever since they came back from break.

shuhing someone is now a bad thing? Especially in WWE.

Tara is still waiting to get in on Maggie and Glenn's thing. Turn it Polygamous.