
Yeah, that bothered me more than it should have.

This genuinely made me laugh out loud.

Whats especially silly about all this is that, I remember at some point, Denise herself said that she couldn't go outside the walls because she was the only Doctor there.

Seriously, right now as far as we know, he's the best scout Alexanderia has, so he knows his shit. Why couldn't Rossita listen to him, I don't know but it just shows that anytime he second guesses his survival instinct, it'll just come back to kick him in the balls.

Before last week's episode, she was a very partial character to me.

Training another group to fight would be counter intuitive to their survival and would rob them of any leverage they would have in the relationship.

Eh if he's burned out then he can move on to someone else. At the end of the day we are the ones who have to suffer his mediocrity every week and I don't come here for mediocrity.

To be honest I was basing it more on Ribbon farm's Gervais Principle(an analysis of The office based on principles from the book)

That's what the quotations were intended to convey.

So basically bait.

I was using it in a different context.

I was using the word "Sociopath" in a different context. I was basically referencing Hugh MacLeod’s , Company Hierarchy . Its a very interesting analysis of corporate maneuvering.

The cold open really set this up pretty nicely.

That's not how it works though. Its bigger than that.

Yup, she's the "Sociopath" who knows she can get to the top and understands the dynamics of the corporate game.

What the fuck is Mansplaining?

I wonder about that though. Remember that from what we know, Rollins also has the complete backing of the bosses, who are also grooming him to become like one of them.

It was incredibly weak. Everything about his part in this was weak.

Vince cutting the same Promo has less to do with him wanting to repeat himself but rather the nature of the business. They're always in different cities every week and I think its due to this that alot of things get repeated.

To be fair at least it was less about him killing him just for giggles and more like doing it because that was the objective all along.