
The best thing about Morgan is that we know where this annoying trait of his stems from.

Oh snap, no wonder I actually read through the whole thing at once. Its a different guy.

I'm giving Maggie's actor Props this episode. She played ice cold Maggie wonderfully.

Carol telling them about the baby might have been her appealing to the Maternal instincts of the group(which was predominantly female). Plus it was a way to blunt the other guy's aggression towards them.

I thought I'd missed the memo that this was a reality show for a second there.

Lets see how it plays out.

Didn't even notice the kids being annoying. They reacted appropriately to the sudden interference in their lifestyle but more or less complied without much argument.
Good example was the Clamp scene, they ask why they're there, she explains and they just do what she asked.

Chase is always taking charge and more or less leading her(not in a negative way), which we've been shown is something that she enjoyed(the little smiles).
So unlike her husband whose submissive to her, there is chase a relative stranger, who knows her and the people she works with but isn't intimidated by her.

To be fair, we could theorize that the dude in Dredds asked to be with Glenn since they're friends now apparently.

I like the idea except for the small flaw that it would be a damn huge waste of what they've built up Brock to be.

Exactly, she should be ecstatic that she's an entire universe away from her tormentor, whose very much alive and unstoppable.

Wow everything about the preview for this episode had me convinced that I could skip this. Glad I didn't.
This episode tied up a lot of the complains I had about the last 2 episodes really well.

I highly doubt Deam Ambrose is going to beat Lesnar.

The rumble booking was a nice way of setting up how much vince seems to want to shake things up a bit.

I haven't laughed like this at a comment in a very long time.

Especially if you consider the fact that she had been captured for a long period of time to a point where she'd lost hope.

He came in after Jay went to take a nap. Coincidence?

Yeah, for a guy who lives in a completely different world, Earth-2 Barry and Iris let those guys get away with completely destroying their lives pretty easily.

To be fair, we could argue that he just said that because that was the only way he knew how to describe what he was doing.

Well to be fair, Geomancer showed up after Jay conveniently had to go lie down.
So maybe its a clue?