
Eh even Ollie hesitated and he seemed to do it more for Digg's wife than it was for Waller.

This! I've been wondering why DC movies just aren't doing it for me and I think this is it.

I loved how laurel smirked when he said that. Its that predictable now.

He just didn't want to be responsible for her.

I was really happy with Barry this episode.

Hehe..even Sin Cara?

Something tells me he wouldn't have had a problem with it, if the Rock hadn't interacted with Lana. Can't help but White Knight I guess.

Ambrose, to me, is usually the weakest link in any of his matches. He overacts and isn't really that impressive in the ring(I absolutely hate the godawful move where he springs back from the rope, and the other guy has to obviously run into him for the clothesline).

So Rory was a Time master all along. Probably a mole in the Tardis.

They already did Thea dying.

But Darkh killing Olliver's kid after he saved his family?

I like to believe that Mrs.Dig is usually out there..taking part in stopping National terrors while her husband amuses himself playing dress up with his buddy.

Take that back.

Especially when he gives that Exasperated sigh.

I liked that the only one he never disagrees with Thea.

Oh my god why is Barry being such a drama queen about telling Patty?

video doesnt exist

He would have loved Foley/Edge and the main event was also pretty decent

You're forgetting that Brock(the unstoppable force) is coming back.

Seth Rollins is the only other realistic choice.