
I would be dissapointed if Triple H inserted himself in the title picture or in Wrestlemania.

Yeah..this was actually really solid booking.

A full heel Sasha vs Baby face Becky Lynch at Wrestlemania..would be glorious.

"Even if you believe that the blood in Halbach’s car was planted by the cops (as I do), there was also non-blood DNA evidence on the hood latch"

Well what the hell were the defense lawyers arguing?

The funny thing is. From what we know, Avery worked on cars for most of his years spent in prison. Especially on body repairs.
So it doesn't make any logical sense for him to leave the car so thinly disguised.

Also did they ever find any scuff marks on the Bedpost?

That Show made me inordinately angry.

I'm surprised you didn't talk about Takeover London.

Heard about Hank's story on Radiolab.
His idea ended up playing a large role in teaching deaf kids sign language.

Huh funny thing is, Iris having an actual brother now frees her up to be with Barry.

listened to it again and I still hear it.

Confirmation that Jay had his speed force stolen was nice.

I think they were tasked with setting up the spin off and DCCW as a whole, that's why they've stretched out the story so much.

Yeah, I was surprised and dissapointed that the Flash and the Joker didn't have any stand out exchange.

Plus that guy that was firestorm for awhile that they are holding down there until they can "convince" him to forget all about it.

What? There was an entire season arc about that.

I wonder why they gave Wally West a "lisp"(for lack of the better alternative), that makes him talk slowly.

Wow, I am not excited at all after watching that.

I agree with the reviewer, It was disappointing that they didn't go with Savage's caveman origin(I've always loved the S:TAS episode where he is the last human alive on earth) but they can always retconn and say the priest thing was just something he did at the time.