
I'm not well versed in comic books but from this trailer, it seems odd that Captain America would be against checks and balances to keep him and the avengers from fucking shit up(the trailer does a good job explaining why its needed).

I saw Black Panther in there and the only reason I can see him going to America is because of what happened in AoU.

Try and get Jessica Jones. It will be worth it.

So to all the Harry potter superfans on here, did the Trap street remind you of Diagon alley?
We even had the street being hidden under a Muggle repelling charm(or Notice-me not) and Rigsy being Obliviated was also pretty neat.
The raven sort of works like an Unbreakable Vow.

Look christainity doesn't have a monopoly on crucified poses ok.

That is exactly what it did.

But the moment we see the raven, the Doctor specifically says that you can't run from it and he seemed pretty sure.
Its why he resorted to threats instead when the time came.

That was the dumbest one for me. If she had left for anything other than her puppy love not being reciprocated I might have liked it.
But it just ended up being ,"I like you but you don't like me as much, so I'm going to give up all of time and space and a universe full of other men because I don't think that's fair".

Hmm wait didn't this episode complete character's story though? Like the reviewer points out, Clara's death comes from her becoming too used to flirting with danger and getting away with it, until that moment she wasn't.

What bothered me more than that is that the Doctor just let her die and fall into the gutter.
At least he could have caught her before she fell.

I thought that the reason the Doctor wasn't teleported was because Ashildr didn't give the signal yet.

Was it intentional that they cast him to look similar to Cap? Is he an established comic book character?

Haha..couldn't help but remember,"Time lord victorious" when I saw him too.

Ok first of all..did your link just take over my browser and do the search itself?

I don't get that reference.

Hmm could you give me an example of one? Other than the blatantly obvious ones(the ones that scream that they are going to reveal super duper secret or some nonsense like that)

What I love about this season is that, the reason four of them are not having a big role in this has been laid out throughout the season.

Leslie has been a consistently funny long running joke.

Serious question guys, Who gets drawn in by ads?

Really? This guys entertain you that much?