
I've always wondered who watches those shows.

Yeah, that conversation with Triple H seemed to have a deeper meaning to it(maybe). Like it was Trips just telling Cesaro to go with the shitty booking but to make sure everybody knows who the true winner was.

I couldn't helped but be pissed when he just decided to stop selling the crossface and just chilled there,

Peggy most definitely ran.

From the trailers we've seen, the black widow seems to be a total badass too.

It seems like it was a geneva convention sort of deal. Where all the barons came together and laid down some rules in order to bring about peace.

haha I completely missed the relevance of that name. Good catch.

Why isn't Better call Saul on that list?

You have to remember that Jill is a kid who is very desperate for a normal life.
That means having to believe that her father can keep his shit together.

To be fair, he's seen that a mental institution sucks. He even invokes his father's experience when he talked to Pati at the end.

Exactly, I kept waiting for it but it never came.

Sara needed a whole episode centred on her. Her story is very compelling and would have been a neat way for the writers to ground an absurd thing like the Lazarus pit a bit.

and everytime he does that weird twitching thing with his eye, I can't help but think that's the actor trying really hard not to blink.

golden age reference?

haha, I'm surprised you kept up with that show.

Winter Soldier, really? I personally think the action choreography in that movie was godly and this episode didn't even come close to that.

Agreed. I'm surprised the show never really explored the decision by Barry to let her die. They mentioned it today but I hope something as character defining as that, can explored a bit more.

Plus he stabbed him with two of those speed dampeners, so I'm assuming that played a part in his slow recovery.

I miss Roy for some reason.

But it is a comic book story so that is probably not going to happen