
Obviously ths tournament was set up pretty fast but hopefully and this is a big hope, it really works out for them business wise, then we might legit see them coming up with a proper tournament, where those things will matter.

I hate that move soo much and it just completely soured me on Ambrose.
Plus every time I see him wrestling in jeans, I know he's automatically limited in what he can do in the ring and the little that he can gets gratingly repetitive.

It could be a small Titus push. He's been booked as a very dominant force for awhile and he's one of the legit big strong guy who can work the ring well.

It won't happen. Cesaro won't be beating him but he'll make a strong showing for himself. Right now they are going to go with the easiest route to fill up that spot.

The problem with this is that htey had a guy who could handle all that.

But they took out all Wyatts while they were just two of them. Why would we be interested in watching them call more people to help fight guys they can clearly beat by themselves.
Dumb booking and it reeks of vince just going back to what worked like a million years ago.

Just a quick question. Is most of AV Club readership american?

"Whew, this fucking show", were my words exactly once the episode ended.

Its only been once? Hmm, maybe its not that they've mentioned the post itself a lot but more like, its been acknowledged that earth is under attack more than usual to the point and people are aware of it.

So how many hybrids do we have so far?

After that exchange, I can imagine Osgood becoming the Minister of War which by the way seems to be this season's big arc. Reminds me of how we'd hear of the Master as prime minister throughout the season back in the day.

She moaned him for all of Season 1 .

His daughter has been captured and he's trying to save her. He doesn't have time to hold people's hands.

But don't forget that there's an Immortal Australian out there..so death isn't that sure of a thing.

This were my thoughts exactly when I was watching this.

Well, I think thats part of a broader storyline where Barry, thanks to everyone in the city loving him and naming coffees after him, becomes more and more free to do whatever he wants because people love him and he's fast enough.
It will come back to bite him in the ass.


This made me laugh more than it should have.

Hey he was busy monologuing to himself to notice a man shark sneaking up on him.
Give him a break.

She already Mourned and got over Ronnie's the first time so I'm guessing this time it was easier or that she is trying her damndest to get over it because she knows grief is not the answer for her.