
haha ok.

I think they call it a parody for copyright reasons..that is you're only allowed to copy something if its a parody of it.(I'm not sure about this though.)

What are the bests that useless priest will be learning the way of the pacifist stick?

That's exactly what its always been. The reviews never really add much to anything except be bland retelling of what happened as if we didn't watch the show.

But we saw that she regularly sneaks out and has even gone on some expeditions with Carl.
That's why she knows about all the blindspots.

Carol and Tobias would make for an unstoppable team.

really? dial back your PC bruh.

Which still got attacked because as she says, the place is to untenable.
That's why she left, she trusts her solo survival skills.

We know you've read the books..relax.

The plan was too savagely attack a relatively sheltered community.

Because as she even says at herself, Alexandria is too big too defend and she just saw proof of that.

Your first point is weird..at no point was carol actually detaining Morgan..it was a ruse and it would have been dumb for her to actually tie up a competent fighter.

Nah the stealth Zombies got them, some probably had stealth camo . They thought they had time before the ones up the road could get them.

Aww, whats the beef with Korl.
Since season 4 he's been pretty competent and subdued.

I don't think Carol killing that guy was needless. It was her way of showing two characters, that we know and as you pointed out would have fucked things up with mercy, that it was not a time for mercy but for certain decisive action.

Makes you appreciate how far Carl has come.

I don't get it..isn't being stripped of their agencies part of child soldiers make up.

I see where the Minister of war will come from now. Nice bit of foreshadowing.

Oliver lecturing Thea shouldn't isn't a bad thing. The point of the season so far is that he's learned from his past mistakes and he knows there's a better way.

Nah, the office is vacant right now which means he'll run unopposed.
Well unless someone feels really strongly about having Ollie in office and would prefer probable death over him.