
This was a very strong episode. It almost felt like a completely different show.
Do the writers write for specific episodes like in Dr.Who or is the whole season g a collaborative effort.
Coz if it is, then I'm pretty excited for this season.

Well I doubt the writers are not aware of this, after all killing guys was a whole theme in Arrow.

So what did Randy botch?

I don't remember a Milner from the series.

Well to be fair they did say that the geography theory had the highest statistical correlation but not that it was a cold fact.
Its just a place for them to begin.
I did like that the MIT guy was totally honest with her though, that was cool.

That's a slippery road he doesn't want to take.

What do you mean totally random? It was well established that he Sleepwalks and that he is somehow tired to the disappearances.
That whole scene wasn't random infact it was expected.
Unless you didn't watch the first season.

Does this guy get forced to do this reviews? gawd, barely any effort put into it at all.

there was a romantic subplot? between which characters exactly?

and after he ploughed through that horde of zombies with just a hammer.

are you sure you didn't take a wrong turn somehwere? this is the AV Club you're not supposed to be so enthusiastic about this show here.

People still hate on Carl?

Couldn't help laughing at that.

That plan didn't work out when they were at the prison and this alexandrians have a higher chance of fucking up things in the long run.

Always have a lookout will eventually fail. This is the sixth season, we know that will fail miserably.

wow, have you never blown up a baloon with just your mouth?

I've always assumed the reason why the zombies are that random is because the zombies are the people who tried to hole up in those places and failed or somehow brought those zombies to them(which is entirely feasible on this show)

I really like this about the show and the fun ways they show that level of decay.

Couldn't help giggling every time I saw Carol playing up her role.

This is setting up to be an amazing series. Watched the second episode and I can say that the main characters were well cast.