

Yish! slow down its the first time its happened. Maybe just appreciate it for the fresh narrative device that it was?

Thanks for that very simple explanation. I was trying to figure out how the Beethoven analogy applied to the episode.

Why though? it makes no sense to me because she accomplished nothing with that move.

I haven't read the comments but I have to chime in.

Hmm I'm assuming part of the reason she was conscious is because she was actively trying to block out whatever they were doing to her.

Hmm but what if he was. I mean after meeting his Mom I can see how he would have kept up a front to fool everyone.

Whats really funny about that scene is that any other cop would not have seen them dive into that ditch.

"I don’t really buy Frank’s sudden “get to know me” stunt with Laurel. It seems out-of-character, unless there is some other motive that comes along with it. I would like Laurel to get to know him better though, just so we can also learn more about who Frank is and what drives him."
Its really simple..Frank actually

I'm afraid that crews will go the Shelton Benjamin route. Immensely talented but ultimatley wasted.

I really liked this two guys. They worked cohesively as a team. Which is so rare in WWE.
I cheered when one of them picked the other and threw him back into the ring. Its common sense but in WWE it comes off as something special because they don't know the meaning of common sense.

She does? didn't think I could respect her more but I do.

It works really well because of the story it tells. Throughout the entire match, a story was unraveling instead of it just being flashy spots.

I agree, Balor hasn't produced a 5 star match for me, so its hard to buy into his hype.

Man that was a very amazing show.

You know until it was brought up, there was absolutely nothing odd about the Murpy's being black to me. They were just the new cast.

Well it makes sense though..the doctor has been increasingly getting back in touch with unit ever since Day of the Doctor and this is the 22nd century so it should be obvious for them.

Maybe the show completely forgot about it but I think this is also a way for Clara to grieve and forget about her dead boyfriend.

I'm taking this episode as Toby whitehouse's audition for showrunner once Moff leaves. It'll probably go to Gatiss though.

Its the 22nd century and if I remember correctly, this guys work for Unit. I think they're kind of aware about the whole thing..or not and that's been saved for next week.