
hmm Rick and Morty reference or just a coincidence?

Didn't it though..Clara's first time in the armor was reminiscent of her turning into a dalek in Asylum..the show was just a little bit subtle about it.

Plus they rebuilt but we don't know yet, it could have been a long time before they Davros could finally die.

Say what you will about Moffat but I love that he smoetimes takes established things in the series and adds a spin to them.

Its there in the third episode.

haha..I thought it was Crispr(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats). Basically makes genetic modification super simple and cheap.

Name dropping Crispr and then showing jiggly butts..haha..I love this show.

For a moment the whole season premier thing made me think the WWE was going the way of Lucha Underground.

Why is it that Rick always seems to be playing it up for an audience. His line deliveries usually sound acted instead of natural.

didn't he exactly say that..well not in so many words but he was going there.

The concept of living Vicariously through other people is not new and its part of human nature.

Eh I think it was distracted small talk. From what we know of Price, if he respects you, he'll indulge you.

and apparently Price is one of the few people who deserve her time

I thought Jack was Moffat's creation. He first appeared in the Empty child, which was a Moffat episode, right?

I really hope they do. Just one season of the Doctor and Susan(who by now would hopefully be his equal) traveling and him being a grandad. That would be pretty fun and fresh.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that, that is indeed his thought process, where he feels that his greatest contribution is the cleverness and therefore he always has to deliver and top.

As much as he's the Showrunner, I think some decisions are beyond his hands and I can't help but think that bringing her back is more like an executive mandate than a creative decision.

Sigh, I'm really not excited for River Song because she overstayed her welcome really fast for me but I'm excited to see other people's reaction to the Doctor's new personality, especially from one of the few people who can say they really know him.

I'm thinking the dudley's aren't going to be around for long and another reason might be WWE isn't confident in the rest of the tag team division, so this is them trying to keep it as lively as possible. A strike while the iron is hot sort of thing.

"Ambrose was so good on commentary. I just wish Cole would have stopped talking over him the entire time"
Tob eb fair, a little voice in his ear was probably telling him to.