*Kick Shankiel
*Kick Shankiel
Run Efficacy - 12
How did the Reds teach an Irish goblin to pitch a baseball?
Maybe...like spruce goose maybe?
[A hospital.]
If we’re workshopping this, first, this is nice surrealism. You set up the litany of actions with the repeated grammatical form very nicely. You’re building some real momentum there, and when you finally switch to a different verb, there’s, not quite frisson, but a definite thrill in that turn.
Is that you, Galen Rupp?
Take off the pants
Looking forward to all the sweaters, and boots! Jeans are kind of scary because I tend to late summer depression featuring very little activity and way too much eating of inappropriate foodstuffs.
Well, today it’s the horses
The horse is Donald Trump. The rider is Paul Manafort.
I get it. I FINALLY get it.
The horse realizes that the Olympics should be for humans, not him, and is now righting a wrong. Respect.
Man: I’m fucking this horse.
T’Iriqo’s Admonishments, sponsored by Anti-Coors Light:
Review of the Lagoon 2:
We must not rush to judgement until there is proof
She’s so lucky
To be banished from the Game:
J ust