
Thank you for raising this issue. I've been working with a few others to help establish a 501(c)3 that addresses this very topic and works to bring sanitation and education to the developing world where this is still such a huge problem. Starting with India, which is where it's worst. Two-thirds of the world's

Spoken like a true First Worlder. That analogy is like saying "homeless people in the US obviously don't want beds... if they did, they'd make buy a bed a priority." I've been studying this problem in great detail for the last year+ and the major problem is that they don't have anywhere to put a toilet. There's

Alien is a straight-up horror flick. Aliens (2) is a scifi action with horror overtones at most.

Re: Update - If the blade can't lock, then the Artifact is definitely out unless you remove the blade beforehand. It locks in place...


Thanks to Free Launch Bar http://www.freelaunchbar.com/ and StartKiller

Jim Lee good. Rob Liefield bad. Piece of stinking shit bad.

Word, brother

Now if Google can just get Maps half as good on android as on the iOS. /sigh It's become almost unusable over the last year.

Okay, that was fun:

I find I prefer the flavor of pour-over coffee like this on a daily basis anyway. +1 for your suggestion. I liked my Melitta for a few weeks until I found one at a kitchen store that was half the cost and had equally high walls all around it. I'd say check for one of those before buying a Melitta cause it's a weird

I think it's fun and would make great wallpaper. Accurate? No. Charmingly dystopic? Indeed!

Yeah I keep my drafts and working folder in Dropbox so I can show clients the changes before they go live. It would be nice if Drive could work as easily... in many ways, the files are easier to access and share.

LMAO I get the distinct impression that some of those zombies (like the blond dressed like Fred from Scooby-Doo) were inspired by fellow classmates.

Now I want to rework this with zombies... (Writing a zombie novel, so it's still applicable.)

I almost spewed my tea and breakfast bar. Well done, sir!

I very much believe in UFOs the visitation by non-human entities. That said, this is a turkey balloon that got loose. It's not "morphing" it's just rotating.

I just heard an interview with the creator who said he's been offered a chance to reboot the series. Fingers crossed, people...

Sorry, we already have a Dark Skies that involves alien abduction... I just started watching the newly released dvd set. Bryce Zabel should sue.

So what I'm wondering now is, originally was it supposed to be Stoner/Bond trying to prison-rape Bruce Lee after getting hopped up on sex drugs?