
I did this years ago, but I used four door-stoppers screwed into the shelf instead. It's been awesome.

You can't put "good sci-fi movie" and "Avatar" in the same post.

The only culture that marks that day as the end of the world where we all die is the Krisjan one. The others-Mayan, Hopi, Zoroastrian, ancient Greek, etc.-all just mark it as the end of the last age and the beginning of the new one.

And thankfully the ignorant doubters never read books about how many other cultures predict the same date, not just the Mayans...

How does one report spam these days?

Whoever figured out how to spoof their downloads onto a block of the RIAA's IPs... you just won the internets. (slow clapping ensues)

hearted for "gaggle of fucking knuckleheads" =D

"Applications like PeerBlock claim to block the MPAA and RIAA from connecting to you, but they're not very reliable, and you can still easily get caught when using PeerBlock."

I can see them being fat, old men chasing ghosts as integral to pushing for storyline forward into hiring the replacement busters to take over the business...

It's the original Batman storyline, where he pretty much only ever fought mobsters and hoods. They didn't add supervillains to the mix for decades (unless you count a guy with a mobster puppet.)

Yeah, I read that and thought "Wtf? Same motivation he always had — his missing fucking arm!"

So what's it's hexidecimal value? I'll put it on my website right now.

Yes yes yes. Just shut up and take my money. =)

Yeah, I'm gonna second that. I've been using the blocked flash flag for almost a year now, and I wonder if it's causing more problems than it's fixing. Gonna try this new extension out instead and see if the browser is a little more responsive and less prone to crashing.

I haven't been reading the theories here much, so the Big Reveal at the gate dropped my jaw. As she kept running through the house, I started hollerin' "oh my god oh mygod"

Oh, god! What is wrong with Wonder Woman's arms?!

Another +1

Needs a small overhead loft space for in-office naps