
Agreed. I am using a metro theme for Win7 and I'm quite fond of it's simple lines and white elements, but the giant wall of fame looks like something I'll try for half an hour then permanently disable in favor of, well, windows.

I found them because of the Dead Like Me soundtracks which had several of their tracks. Once I heard em I was hooked...

Good to know. I only have her first.

My first modem was 2400 baud... and I was on eWorld to boot!

Oh yeah, you're right... Breaking Bad is also set there because they have a huge meth problem in NM. Is that better?

I knew there were infectious cancers, but I didn't know the Tazzy Devil cancer was one. I'm currently writing a horror novel that involves an infectious cancer, in fact. =)

@Elim - I don't know all the intimate details, not being a studio exec myself, this was just how it was explained to me. It probably has a lot to do with the excitement of a new show having a bigger draw when selling the ad contracts, versus the stability of a show that has a fixed demographic that probably is hard to

I'd love that, too. I'd rather have a complete storyline in 3 years than be left hanging. But I'm sure they don't want to risk the chance that they might get that one in a thousand show that is so popular that they're selling more ads in the 3rd season than they did in the first.

You're probably right. The devils are probably only so cancer ridden because their natural predator was eradicated. Anything that lives long enough and not get eaten (most people, our pets, etc.) will develop cancer. Probably the devil's population was better controlled before humans, and so now cancer runs rampant.

I recently found out why executives cancel even shows that are doing really well: for the first 3 years or so, they can reap HUGE profits by essentially subsidizing everything needed to make the show (cast salaries, set budgets - everything) to the advertising contracts. As long as ratings are high enough to meet the

Umm... cape? I mean, I know the whole argument against them from The Incredibles and all, but Supe's cape is so iconic.

It crashes very nearly every time for me. Which is really damn annoying when I'm trying to print a UPS or FedEx shipping label that is hard to get back to once it crashes.

In five days.

LOL Until recently I was using both Reader and Acrobat on my work machine... I figured the latest Reader would be faster and smoother than the older version of Acrobat I used to scan in records and such. I finally realized how wrong that was, and ditched it to use Acrobat for everything. About 3x faster...

now there's pee all over the floor and my shoes... dammit

That's not surprising at all... they're not wasting time arguing whether or not climate change is real, just like they don't argue whether natural selection is real or not. ;) They just go on survivaling-of-the-fittest.

Update: I take it all back! I just got the latest version of the beta installed, and wow it's like day and night compared to how it was! Simply awesome...

I dunno... I've tried to duplicate the settings as precisely as possible to my phone, and it still has just lost all that intuitiveness and precision on the tablet. Kinda wish I knew that would happen before I spent $400.

I have stared into the hungering maw as well, and emerged with only an hour of lost time...

What I want to know instead is how to put an older version of swype on my tablet... Version on my Captivate is awesome, and I dislike using even a normal keyboard now and wish I could swype everywhere. It inspired me to go drop $400 on an Asus Transformer tablet, thinking that for writing it could replace