
I agree. If people had stopped growing altogether, then there would be a lot of halted pregnancies (now doesn't THAT sound like pure hell? Permanently pregnant...) but instead births continue on as usual. So if babies can still gestate, then people should still heal. Even without that, though, someone could at least

So I fought with this for a week, tried both 7 and 8, burned to numerous cd's and even tried flash drives. Not a single time would it boot, except when I used the .iso to launch with a new Virtualbox test drive. Not once in three different Dell's that I hoped could find a second life instead of going to the dump. I

One point of clarification: "Internet World Stats reports that there are currently 272.1 million Americans connected to the internet" — actually, that's 272.1 million North Americans (US, Canada, and presumably Mexico) that are online.

Ol Torchy has a bigger and brighter claim to fame... his body was retooled into one of the founding members of the Avengers - The Vision. Or possibly just a second android body based off the original Torch. That hasn't been made clear, ever.

Agreed. He might be crazy, but he's doing what any of us geeks would do with his kind of money. And after hearing these quotes, I'm kinda looking forward to it now... Johnny should have always been much much darker.

I love this on my android... maybe I can get people at work using it.

I saw .img files on the downloads page, those should be usable to make a USB install

That was the best of them all, imo.

"Pro: On the other hand, this scene reminded me of an old timey Buffy Scooby Meeting."

"Vernor Vinge's "The Peace War" made into a movie"

You guys are such teases. I know 4 of the six icons up there in the banner. What is the one with the bee icon?

Does it let me make an ordered playlist? Cause if so I'm sold. Who knew that was such a hard thing to manage when ipods make it look so easy...

Yay, here come the bobbles!

I wouldn't exactly call her a "little girl" but who-nerds can rejoice nevertheless.

I'd rather he had powers, but that no one really knows he's there and saving the city. I get that idea from the trailers for it I've seen.

Okay, so after reading this article, I bought one. It worked for 3 nights and then stopped. Every morning it would say something like "connection was lost" or the battery was dead, even though the charge when I went to sleep should have been good for 12+ hours.

I feel better on 5 or 6 hours than I do on 8. 8's too much for me, leaves me groggy all day.

"Nan is running a pro-vampire campaign"

I was just going to add "Superman is a chubby chaser? Is that why he zapped her?"

MMmm... I hope there's another season of Sherlock on the Beeb.