
I was so excited after seeing the video, but there seems to be a big confliction with XP. I've tried installing 8 times now, and every time it hits an error and fails... too bad, but I am not surprised with Stardock. I've always had problems with their stuff.

@penguiniator: That pretty much sums it up these days...

@jbarr: You're right, as long as the ads are not obnoxious and do not interrupt the viewer's experience, I have no problem (ignoring) ads and not blocking them. The latest round of ads, though, cause things like LOUD flash video to start playing _when_the_mouse_passes_over_it... and that drives me up the wucking

@MS-18E Shadoblak: but sadly, I can't sync my ipod on my ubuntu netbook without nuking all playlists. I used to hope they would make a linux iTunes, but now I just need to replace my ipod and say a final goodbye to Appl$...

@ericslaw: Sounds like it's time for me to try out MediaMonkey. I've had it with Apple and iPod at this point, but my nano will last a couple more years...

I just got a Dell netbook less than a year ago. I plug it in only when the battery is depleted (when the orange light starts flashing) and unplug it in the morning to take with me. The battery life went from 4.5 hours to 3.75 hours in just a few months time. I think the implication of the article is that with some

oh yeah, I just wish I could use Compiz on my Windows that I had to revert to when Ubuntu bit the big one a couple weeks ago. But thank you for suggesting VirtuaWin — it fills the need for extra desktops that I was missing so.

Holy Eff, are you kidding me? They're charging for firmware upgrades now? Which is required to work with their new store interface? I really, really am all done with Apple... my next player will be a Sansa