
Good God, Rose really is the most useless character. When "hijinks" such as sneaking a band into Downton is all they can muster up for you, you are about as useful as a potted plant.

IDK, I have just never found McCarthy funny or talented in the least bit. I did like Seth Meyers' sendoff, though.

To be fair, Lizz Winstead is a horrible and unfunny mouthbreather.

I also stopped watching more or less when Edwards' character died.

I'm not conservative, but thanks for playing!

"at worst, they’re just plain wrong."

At least they didn't succumb to PC pressure like Sum of All Fears. Trading Arab terrorists for Nazis?!?! WTF were they thinking?

I can't believe they Bourne'd this movie. This may end up a bigger travesty for me than the Robocop remake.

Oh, if only they had made the film they teased in Last Action Hero.

Really? You don't care about Edna falsely accusing Tom of impregnating her? The storyline may have ended but it was still an important one to the episode. The way Ms. Hughes destroyed that maid for making false accusations against Tom was the best part of the episode.

Re Diane Farr. She left to do another show in L.A. Still, they could have given her character a better exit.

Todd, are you trying out for Jezebel? It's a show for dudes. And if you ever bother to turn off the TV and go outside, you would realize there are alot of crazy, shrewish women out there.

It's funny reading your reviews 2 years later, as it's clear you have been a shitty reviewer of TV shows for a while now.

The great thing about Netflix is you can quickly FF past the shitty parts (basically any scenes with the harpies i.e. Sheila, Janet, Teddy, and Colleen). After S2, I have skipped well over 2/3 of most episodes and entire episodes in some cases and haven't really missed out on anything.

Wait, so what the hell did that maid do to Tom? Get him drunk to sleep with him?

Oh I get it! She's morbidly obese and makes dirty jokes. Therefore she must be funny and to call her a no-talent ass clown would incite the rage of the Jezebel crowd.

"What’s wrong with the men in America today? All these skinny-butt-jean-wearing fucking lame men. I mean, really, what the hell?"

The fact that more people on this site are criticizing "whitey" and
ignoring the atrocities of Japan doesn't say much about the intelligence
of many of the commentators here. Maybe one day they will get their
head out of their ass and read something other than Zinn and Chomsky.

A very good movie on the British regimental system.

Agreed. The fact that more people on this site are criticizing "whitey" and ignoring the atrocities of Japan doesn't say much about the intelligence of alot of the commentators on here. Maybe one day they will get their head out of their ass and read something other than Zinn and Chomsky.