
"Japanese of the time had many skilled engineers who could have completed the titular bridge…"

It's a good MOVIE but really downplays how brutal the Japanese camps were. No, they didn't have uniforms as spiffy as in the movie. The things Japan did all over Asia during the 30's and 40's are truly horrifying. I can understand why countries like China and South Korea are pissed at them to this day.

Um, yeah. Comparing ours to the Japanese is one of the most moronic things I have ever heard. Having studied the Japanese treatment of Allied POW's for years (there is a wealth of info on the net), it is truly stomach churning. There is no comparison. And they still act as if they are the victims of the war.

Rescue Dawn is VERY underrated. Should have gotten alot more views. One of Bale's best performances not to mention a great soundtrack.

Couldn't NBC just follow the disaster that is the Democratic machine in Chicago, film it's corruption, and throw that on TV every week?

Well, at least Sophia Bush is nice to look at, I guess?

Adebisi vs. a volcano? Adebisi wins every time.

How did Moriarty get away with intimidating the jury? Wouldn't one of them say ANYTHING to the police?

How did Moriarty get away with intimidating the jury? Wouldn't one of them say ANYTHING to the police?

Yeah, this episode was pretty weak. Is this what all those CSI-type shows are like? How the hell do people watch all that crap on a regular basis. These 6 episodes of Sherlock are about all I can handle from the "brilliant detective" genre. No matter how much history and accents are thrown in.

It's going to be real hard to take Moriarty seriously if he continues to sound like an effeminate cartoonish wimp. Hope they tone down the voice.

Jesus H Christ. Some of you guys are too thin-skinned and butthurt over the portrayal of Chinese. Lighten up, Francis. It's a fucking TV show. Ever seen how the Chinese portray Americans? It's downright cartoonish compared to this.

As fun as the episode was, it just seems way to unrealistic for a show like Justified. There's a reason feds are rarely harmed and it's because to do so would bring a whole shitstorm on whatever person/organization did so. I find it a little too cartoonish to see the feds scared by the Detroit mob. To compare,

A pretty good film. One of the few that Oliver Stone doesn't come off as a complete tinfoil-hat wearing wacko.

If you think Hanoi was going to settle for anything less than the entire country under their control, then I have a bridge to sell you.

If you think Black Hawk Down is dry and impersonal, then I don't think you watched the same movie that millions of others did. Or you slept through it. Both are pretty fucking unbelievable.

Really? I thought WTC was pretty good. One of the few Oliver Stone movies that doesn't expose him for the insufferable prick that he really is.

The endless story of contrarian dipshits like you vomiting garbage about the military is much more tiresome. And they actually did make a bunch of shitty "America is the Great Satan" movies in Hollywood over the past decade. It's just that they all bombed, commercially and critically.

GTFO. He was the shit in 3:10 to Yuma.

The fact of the matter is that war, whether you want to admit it or not, does carry a certain amount of badassery to it. Granted, it's probably only 1% of the time and there are likely guys on the receiving end who would beg to differ. But alot of Type A young soldiers (doesn't matter what nationality, it is not