
I don’t think anybody’s buying your self-proclaimed neutrality. Also, what, exactly, did DWS do that warrants an equivocation with Trump/Bondi? Maybe the MSM hid that part from me.

Oh my gosh, those whole thread is rapidly turning into dudebros going “WELL I SAW A WOMAN IN A BIKINI ONCE SO IF YOU CRITICIZE MY VIDYA GAEM BOOBIES THEN YOU’RE THE SEXIST ONE.”

It’s hideous and objectifying, which would bug me less if she weren’t the only female character I met during the entire two hour demo. I’m hopeful that Luna is badass, and I see nothing wrong with them choosing to do a story about four bros broing out, but considering Final Fantasy has set such a high bar for

Now playing

the japanese trailer seems to indicate that there is day and night system in the game, which is why i don’t really see what they mean

Pokemon Snap on a main pokemon game?


“We’re the party of Lincoln! You remember him! He fought a whole big war to free the slaves! So, basically, ignore the last 50 years of actual policy and remember the guy from 150 years ago. Clearly, we care more about civil rights than those dirty Democrats.”

I love that this is the Republican narrative. It’s like

Hopefully, by next week she’ll just be arrested, and by election time, mildly harassed through parking tickets.

He reminds me of Tracy Jordan from 30 Rock. If somebody tells him not to do something suddenly that’s all he wants to do, and does. Only Trump is wildly less intelligent or talented but with 100 times the ego.

The primaries were essentially over on March 1st when Sanders lost heavily on Super Tuesday. After that, Sanders was heavily behind the eight ball and never came close to recovering.

Even in the reverse, it sounds like they had fantastic sex or something. I’d have gone with “Historic Night; Manuel, Phelps Win Gold!!!” Yeesh.

Sorry, I am just LOVING Cersei. Revenge all around (even on her own son, basically) and she looked fucking amazing the entire time. I want to be her when I grow up.

Sanders is a grifter.

We actually do want change. We just know that doesn’t happen by merely shouting into the wind and calling people names.

This is what you wrote: “Aaaand... here we are again, thinking that some criminals deserve a second chance because of their looks.”

Hopefully this will be more Thousand Year Old Door than Sticker Star

Will it affect the CA vote that much though? I just looked at the numbers and absentee voting hovers upwards of 60% for the primaries, so a LOT of votes are already in. And the exit polling shows those votes already leaning in Hillary’s favor. I don’t know that this AP story the night before the election would have

I would think that in California, her supporters are invested in her winning that state. I am a California and already voted by mail for her!

No matter how you feel about her, 100 years ago American women didn’t even have the right to vote, so this is pretty cool.