
What kind of crazy high standards do you think are required to merit an Oscar nomination? Nomination, not even award? That’s the problem with the lack of diversity in nominations, right here. People act like there’s some transparent meritocracy at work when every other Oscars article that isn’t about diversity talks

I was thinking this exact thing while reading. She definitely the bigger star.

What is this shit?


Usually I side with the artist during these disputes.

From what I can tell, she’s the “Token Black” Fox Spew occasionally trots out to rail against black people.

I admittedly haven’t been a fan of BET, but its cool how they paired up with the CBC to make the Book of Negroes. Would definitely like to see more programming like that.

Oh, Stacey.

Didn’t her son, like, not even see combat while he was there? And isn’t this the son that was basically forced to join the army to avoid jailtime because he’s always been a raging shithawk?

Thank you.

You missed my point. I will still vote for him if he’s the nominee but dismissing Planned Parenthood as part of the estestablishment is a problem.

Okay, I’m fucking sick of this. The “Democratic Party establishment” is not a thing to be reflexively opposed. The Democratic Party establishment elected Barack Obama. It got Sotamayor and Kagan (KAGAN!) appointed. It promotes marriage equality, abortion rights, racial equality, feminism, and a social safety net.

Perhaps. But it was the perfect opportunity to call him a clown and kick him in the balls and she disappointed.

Am I the only one who thinks this is creepy? Maybe it’s just because I’m the same age as this girl. It’s definitely making me question where you draw the line between fan and casual stalker now that social media is so ubiquitous.

The person that I want to hear from is The Freaking Winner! She has handled this with grace that is only grated to those that know when to get on with it.

I mean, shouldn’t the answer obviously be yes?

This is the evolution of media.

Go look at pictures of Jason Momoa and you’ll get over Bieber instantly.