
Time for multiple notices of termination. If they can’t handle a kill list targeting students, they really shouldn’t be in any position to run a school. This isn’t a hard call to make at all.

That still doesn’t equal a warrant to search his cousins house. That’s a completely separate piece of paperwork.

Did they even have a warrant to search the premises? That threat to “break down a door” sounds like pressure to force compliance without the necessary paperwork.

How does this have anything to do with immigration? And yes, congress could theoretically pass a law condoning murder, which “stand your ground” laws to do an extent, and rape. For example, you can’t legally withdraw consent during consentual intercourse in North Carolina. It would be career suicide and probably

The laws governing immigration are just as solid as the laws governing rape and murder. It’s not a constantly changing political policy. What has passed legislatively, has passed, and must be enforced until Congress changes it through legislative means.

No, I get that. It’s just that Congress has already determined the immigration laws and absent a drastic change that sees Republicans and Trump passing laws to reform immigration enforcement, for the next 4 years (8 if we’re unlucky) simply coming to this country as an undocumented citizen, is grounds for deportation.

They should, but I’m pretty sure all they will get is a copy of the law giving them the power to deport undocumented immigrants. ICE isn’t operating, in this case atleast, without any legal basis. And I’m not saying that in support of this or many of ICE’s recent actions under Trump.

I’ll say this right now, if any of the shit, in regards to black people and women, that occurred in the 2016 primary/general happens in the 2020 to sideline Harris, we will be fighting in the street.

Poking the hornet’s nest. Get ready.

I’m glad that Bernie learned how to put out a statement condemning the violence of a supporter that doesn’t include a “,but ...” clause in it. I wonder if he’s going to tackle the threatening phone calls to super delegates next. “Economically anxious” white men are going to be “economically anxious” regardless of

Didn’t feel like getting drawn back into the whole “Bernie’s so pure” primary nonsense.

Clearly, it’s because everybody was thirsting after the Darren Criss speedo pics leaked.

He voted for the bill. Period. He even voted for a version of the bill that didn’t even include the weapons ban and domestic violence provisions that were later added in the Senate. How he felt about it became irrelevant the moment he said “aye”. The same goes for Joe Biden and the countless others that voted for the

I’m not white. I just think that, as always, the history of the crime bill is white washed to ignore the more pivotal contributions of Democratic white men to it’s passage in order to tack it on to Hillary Clinton. I’d rather go after Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, the CBC, and the other Democrats that were complicit in

Bernie gave a speech and then voted for the bill. Effectively, they are the same because flowery speeches don’t mean shit if you go and vote for the bill that you are haranguing against. They both acted on political expediency in order to maintain and placate  white voters.

And had this been written in 2016, I would have been fine with it, but now that her political career is dead in the water because she is a failed presidential contender, it would serve us more to lay the blame at the feet of the people responsible for these policies especially when they’re still active and seem to be

She stumped for it and supported it during her husband’s relection campaign 2 years after it was passed and is one of the few people, Sanders and Biden, excluded, to have apologized for their role in it.

I don’t think Hillary Clinton shouldn’t be dragged for her positions, but I also don’t think we should automatically dismiss things and policies that she has proposed while campaigning for herself.

It is mind boggling when Bill Clinton should have been the Clinton that this article focused. Heck, she gets more flack over this 1994 Crime Bill than the one of the authors, Joe Biden.

Who has Hillary Clinton locked up? Are we talking about the Crime Bill written by Joe Biden, voted on by hundreds of white men including Bernie Sanders, and signed into law by her husband? Did Monica Lewinsky suck her dick too?