
That or something to the tune of “Well, the state of NY thought that I had the judgement and qualifications for the Senate and Presidency 3 times.” I doubt she will go after Bernie’s judgement/qualifications, but she could easily. His house/Senate voting record is a bit of a doozy when you look at the times his

I doubt it. They still have the debate. I would love for them to ask Bernie to tell Hillary that she doesn’t have the judgement or qualifications to be president to her face. I’m sure CNN is going to try to push it and I’m sure she already has a zinger planned for it.

Audience - I want another Mad Max movie!

I don’t know that many, but things like “unqualified” aren’t helping. I’m voting for the nominee regardless, but now I’d have to hold my nose to vote for Sanders, and if they keep playing up this contested convention narrative and get the nomination when Hillary has more pledged delegates and votes, then fuck it all.

You can’t make it a point to quote someone saying “quote unquote” and not provide receipts. Then you get caught in a lie/misunderstanding, which you shouldn’t send your campaign out to double down on. What a disaster.

The OJ Simpson trial may finally get Sarah Paulson that Emmy she deserves after years of dutiful work on AHS.

Khloe gave up all claims to #1 when she decided to become a Kim Kardashian clone after her divorce. I am surprised that Kourtney is ranked lower than Caitlyn though. Probably for having kids with Scott.

I’m surprised that they still trot her out after the dragging she recieved after Clinton won MA for not endorsing Bernie.

It’d be a toss up. I’m not sure if she could overcome Clinton’s appeal of minorities and older long term democrats. Then there’s the matter of a segment of male voters and the white working class vote. People tend to forget that they went gangbusters for Clinton in 2008 over a more liberal Obama, yet have mostly gone

SE is really going crazy with all their FFXIV: Heavensward money.

So when can I throw my wallet at the Florence and the Machine cover?

I guess Susan Sarandon lost her surrogate card. Why the Bernie Sanders campaign would send a rich former naderite, who supported John Edwards, to spread his message is beyond me? That being said, you really shouldn’t have your celebrity surrogates talking up or using #BernieorBust before a big stretch of closed

New Demo arrives while I am away from my Ps4 for a month (T-T). #ManTears

Eh, #Teamfuckthedudethatscheatingonhisfiancee.#Teamfuckguycode

Sanders Campaign - Hey guys! What should we do with all this momentum? Idk maybe we should send out a former Naderite to go full #BernieorBust on T.V. in an official capacity, taunt the opponent into not giving us the time of day instead of negotiating a mutually beneficial debate slot, and allow Tad Devine to advance

What Senate candidate in FL are you talking about? They’ve yet to have a primary and the two leading candidates are democrats and were democrats last year, Patrick Murphy and Alan Grayson.

I’m not bothered. one. bit. The prospective nominee should be raising funds for the GE and for downballot races. Scalia is dead and Trump may be at the top of the ticket. This is going to be the most expensive GE ever because many seats will be in play and this is going to hit the Koch Brothers and the Adelson’s,

Protect your white friends! The apocalypse is nigh.

Yup. She was wearing Superman T-shirts and they were papped frequently buying groceries. Who the hell buys groceries together after a week of dating?