
I tell my liberal Boomer parents that cable news is toxic garbage that’s rotting their brains, to which they respond with “but what about Rachel Maddow?” as if she’s the ace up their sleeve. And then I have to say that for the umpteenth time that yes, even the “good” cable news is still “info”-tainment” specifically

Once again we have convenient narratives with absolutely no critical thought — a theme for both the far-left and far-right.

Microsoft believes the acquisition will help the company ramp up its growth in the gaming industry and “will play a key role in the development of metaverse platforms.”

“Never bother with s Lender’s bagel.” Heard it in a Shakespeare play once.

This probably didn’t happen, Radio Free Asia is a propaganda arm of the CIA and I haven’t seen any legitimate news sources report on this.

I hope Deckard finally kills enough replicants to buy that sheep. 

If you are left wing and unarmed I don’t know wtf you’re doing with your life. 


“This popular meme illustrates the phenomenon of a seemingly-innocuous media personality turning out to be problematic.”

/Spike Lee angrily tweets Woody Harrelson’s home address 

“at least two great turns in two good Star Wars movies”

I got a David Harbour notification for this? 

Please, the Pope wishes he had Mickey’s security detail.

Like, take Lucifer. Those books had a really big, sprawling, meticulous world and story that was so impossible to realize on a television budget that they didn’t even try and instead made a thing that bared so little resemblance to it that it might as well have been something else, but now because of that show,

/Spike Lee angrily tweets Wil Wheaton’s home address


Fun fact: If you draw a Venn diagram of “people who’ve ever shown up at someone’s house with a posse and beaten the shit out of them” and “people who’ve posted on an internet message board about showing up at someone’s house and beating the shit out of them,” you’ve almost drawn a train!

“Daenerys’ creep-ass older brother, who was definitely not warm or kind or decent”

Same. And what’s wrong with Cumtown? Are the schools not good there?

I’ve left Sundance but it hasn’t left me.’