
Jack Quaid has long reminded me a lot of Joshua Jackson, but never so much as now that he got Fauxlivia’d

You can’t just pound on your keyboard and expect us to believe those are the names of real people.

Everyone should watch Person Of Interest, a thing I feel comfortable saying even in spite of the Caviezel of it all.

The opposite of the weather where you live.

I think it’s interesting to contemplate whether Garland’s British-ness is an important consideration, here. Britain has been remarkably resistant to fully committing to any ideology or government type. They clipped the monarchy’s nuts, but not completely, and didn’t get rid of it. They clipped the House of Lords’

I find it amusing that we talk about compromise as if Israel isn’t the one in violation of international borders.

Every time I hear about this I think it’s just way too soon. Then i realize that at this point it’s been 20 years since the SyFy one started, which means almost has much time has passed between now and that version as had passed between the original’s last season and the start of the reboot.

That’s the haircut you get when you ask for “the Crix”

At 20 years old this show is the perfect post-9/11 time capsule. If you weren’t alive then, don’t let anyone tell you all Americans were brainwashed by the call to invade Iraq. Plenty of people knew it was a joke, especially the AD creators. The relentless mocking of U.S. foreign policy using testicle jokes truly is

There are people out there who think Melanie Lynskey is fine just the way she is and would tap her like a keg. I am one of those people.

Or a very short time, depending on your tactics

Lot of people lost their heads over that one. 

You are all wrong, NWO was a Hulk Hogan/Scott Hall/Kevin Nash thing.

Pesci: “You think I’m sexy? Sexy how? Sexy like a bombshell? Do I arouse you?”

lol  You are such a humorless dumbfuck.   Beyond obvious I’m joking you fucking loser.    

If this fucks with Sandman and we don't get the Emperor Norton episode I will personally sound this dude with a rusty nail.

I gotta say, I don’t know whether it’s because I’m getting older or if it’s because I don’t follow comics nearly as much as I used to, but all of this just seems…exhausting.

 Hush now, your betters are talking. 

As acting advice goes, I firmly believe that spooning with Salma Hayek “just a little bit” would definitely make me look like I was in love with her for the rest of production. (Because I would be.)

He’s not just pompous; he’s also unbelievably stupid.