
If you’ll permit me to get personal for a moment, I work in the arts (as a graphic designer) and it became really clear to me that my own anxiety and struggles with mental health mean I’ll likely never do what this industry considers great work. Doing design work at a major firm is unbelievably demanding and I’m

After Perry’s first departure, the The shōgun Tokugawa Ieyoshi died, and control of the shogunate passed to Tokugawa Iesada. As Iesada was a sickly young boy, the head of the rōjū Abe Masahiro polled all of the daimyō for their opinions on Perry’s demands, which had the unforeseen consequence of portraying the

How does this relate to his blockade of Japan in 1853 to get the Japanese to trade with America (which indirectly spurred the restoration of the Japanese Emperor and the militarization of Japan which led disastrously to Japanese Imperialism and WWII).

Mr. Fraser insists that, moving forward, he will watch out for that tree.

BREAKING NEWS: Alan Moore expresses same opinion on superheroes he’s been expressing for literally decades. 

I think I can speak for a lot of people in that if Magnitude doesn’t come back then there is no reason to even make the movie. Pop. Pop.

Before Trump, the puppy torture and Walkers admission of paying for abortion would have had the Right turn their back on them. Now....they dont care. Fox News is defending them and just spewing lies. I bet in 2022 we get a straight up Neo Nazi running who does so openly with full GOP support. They do not give a fuck.

As a Practicing Black Person, it's a delight to learn that Sheryl Crow is one of ours.

Racists who are more comfortable with family fucking than race mixing? Well now I’ve seen everything.

Nobody would have cared until he put it on anyway.

I welcome thoughtful, informed historical criticism. I don’t welcome “my side has been historically wronged, so I have the prerogative so say all kinds of inaccuracies and hyperbole in the now, and call anyone who asks for basic honesty a bigot.” That’s not criticism; that’s petulance.

Are you a plant or a bot?

Stars in a Victor Salva movie.

So would you say that you’ve made up your mind, you ain’t wasting no more time?

weird Public Enemy double take reading that.

So how did she do on her SAT’s?

Look, one’s with no ads and one’s without ads! Whaddya need, a map?!

“it comes down to $105 for one year with no ads or $70 for one year without ads.”

the pop star-actor performing cunnilingus on the dining room table.

mr warner brothers you could have saved her i gave you all the clues ⛄️