
I was hoping he'd spontaneously combust into a puff of orange smoke after the last tweet in his series of mania, but alas. Next time maybe.

but thats how they like their meth

Ketchup? Ugh! I'll have to marinate on that one

Haha! Awesome!

The sad and ironic part in all of this is that the debacle has completely overshadowed an amazing work of Moonlight that highlights practically EVERYTHING marginalized people have to deal with. We have think pieces on why Beatty and Dunaway fucked up. We have full on investigations from PWC about who did what and

I… kinda have to agree with this. It was certainly strange. And if it was put upon everyone did a great job at making it seem believable if not untenable. I watched the footage of course, after the fuckup. But there was no sense of elation from the cast when they announced they won except from the producers and

i liked pagliacci and serious pie when i lived there

In New Orleans, Vietnamese cuisine has become a staple part of our culinary culture. Thus, pho is everywhere.

"More common than other continents." Please.

I actually hoped that during the moments the case was brought up that we'd have random cuts to Gutierrez poorly adjusting to life in the big city.

Her PR people actually told the news that the executive travel ban order happened to go out on the sabbath and therefore she couldn't have done anything about. I'm not making this shit up.

beautiful episode! His speech was wonderful, and the best yet to date. He was firing on all cylinders this episode. It's probably my favorite so far.

npr covered both and noted especially the poor little girl that died in the Seal Team raid and the other innocent civilians, as well as the seal who passed. but then again, that's npr.

Wait… it's pro-police brutality? Is it upside-down day?

we do also make great token stand-ins in stock photos of company ads and hospitals campaigns.

This. and yeah, whatever.

Oh! I may have been watching wrongly. When Voiello insinuated to Lenny that sending Gutierrez to NYC as a statement of the church not taking such abuse matters seriously, I assumed he had a history of being associated with pedophilia. Ack.

OK, i kinda… had a similar reaction. I thought I was the only one watching this wrongly. But even as a practicing Catholic, I didn't see the outright villainy in what he proposed as his vision for the Church, if not his view of the leadership of the church.

William Henry Harrisons presidenterversary's not too far out. But we still have time yet!

I concluded that maybe he keeps them as a memento of something significant between himself and super devout Catholic girl (a child that passed or something?)