
yes the comet was there in the US title sequence for this episode.

Why does Voiello have a different kid he's caring for in each episode? Is that supposed to be a thing? Is his relationship with each kid (pitying and sorrowful with the child with possible cerebral palsy in the second ep, vs disdainful, condescending with the African child in the third episode) supposed to reflect or

I'm sorry, what?

And it was a pretty weak one IMO. It reminded me of something Mike would pen for Selina on Veep about what a stately and unifying speech should sound like but ends up sounding comically clunky. And that was before he started beatboxing his own dogma.

I'm Catholic. Still practice. Enjoyed the show but not really sure of its premise other than an obstinate broody moody young buck challenges authority by becoming the authority. And also fucks because he can! Scandalous!!! But I don't know, I don't think as much these days there's as strong a sense of infallibility

I work the Neonatal ICU from the 24th-27th so I'm ready for Christmas to be over!

Doctor here! But unfortunately not enough info to work with to provide you with at this time. Stability means that her blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate (if she's on a ventilator at this point it can be controlled) are not fluctuating, or outside of normal parameters can be a good sign. Even

the bible accounts for romans and a bunch of -ites looking at christians in a similar way as it was still being founded

Unfortunately there is documentation that some white owners used infant slaves as "gator bait".

Nah. Popeyes is still an institution in Nola. Don't tread on it

Oh. There's one wondering/exasperated remark Rory makes to Lane about whether other thirty something's possibly experiencing the difficulties she was at some point. As a thirty, without a trust fund, rich parents and rich grandmother, pedigree, Ivy League degrees to fall back on, no rich suitor, and not in the

Exactly! I made reference to this in the Winter section but all of those celebrity chefs (really? David Chang of Momofuku? Ina Garten? Anthony Bourdain (a place like this being the last place we'd find him in the states) much less Rachel Ray) really is confusing. Considering how all the actual celebrities were staying

I was thinking about that yesterday. Thankfully at least Rory's best friend Lane was a woman of color, but yeah. Not a very diverse casting at all. If anything they could have made the CEO of the lifestyle site after Rory a woman of color, just to change things up.

Disappointed in Lorelei with the whole recount a story from Richard's life scene. As a fully functional adult in many other situations, how is it that she couldn't even make something affectionate up? In Season 7, he tells her how proud he is of her. Did that moment in time get lost in the frivolity of her early youth

Yup! Just worked a 16 hour shift thanksgiving night in the ICU.

Considering that the score has been out for more than two years at this point and that the score's practically what most people who are Hamilton fans or Hamilton curious have experienced of the biggest broadway hit in history alluding to the score is fair game if not expected. Even on a Hamilton centered drunk history

take to the seas! ……please???? :-(

what the hell. why is this race so fucking tight?

Oh man. i JUST understood the Batman looking for Alfred thing. Shame on me.

The last interaction Dolores has with Arnold is 34 years + some change. William and Logan enter the narrative at 30 years. So I could imagine there was just a few years difference between the incident and their experience.