
How horrifying! Glad no one was hurt in all of this. Furthermore, for her to know that she was targeted in such a meticulous way (in the wee early hours of the am), I'd have a hard time feeling safe anywhere but home after this. Strangely It almost worked out that she didn't have a security detail at the time. If

Nah. The Hamilton show has a special production weekly or bimonthly for area high school students. So they have sponsored such youths that way.

Awesome!!!!!!!!! Happy that there'll be a film to highlight such a pivotal time in Nola history.

Just happy to see a woman of color on this show again. Been a minute since both Beverley and Bella.

I'm sorry. I was angry and hungry and annoyed in general. Once I regroup I'll start over.

Oscar Bait? F that! F that because look at the last black central movies that have gone to the academy awards! Historical figures or historical figures + white saviors! That's the only stuff allowed for us. F that when I watched this movie I cried the entire way through. F that when I watched this movie I was reminded

Well I do find it interesting and ironic 12 years a slave gets a slam dunk at the last oscars and its a movie filled with tons of white (Oscar nominated) actors. Selma is a black actor ensemble film and it gets snubbed. It's just like the walk from Selma to Montgomery. Hollywood still loves their white saviors.

Wow. Disappointed that Selma got snubbed. I really enjoyed that film. Seriously, no love for Ava? When there were like 3 imitation games this year?

I initially thought that the "thing they had that others didn't have" was the head of medusa just laying around. But nope just "each other". Though I could have sworn seeing at least two of those medieval soldiers cast in stone in the anteroom.

What? I went to a college and majored in "pre-med". Of course you have to claim a discipline "Biology" or "Chemistry", but I was a Biology Pre-Med major, and it was just about 5 years since I've gotten that degree.

ehh as a black person that has been raised in the south and been around some "upper middle class black folk that tie their wealth and success to their lineages, the lightness of their skin compared to others" @disqus_GHgmbqr62m:disqus is not far off in her/his comment.

true, but he did it so wrong. :-( I was half expecting Abbie to jump in. He was pushing on Katrina's belly and then half-assedly doing rescue breaths. the EXACT person you don't want doing CPR is someone frantic.

Not it's not. You have loosely just lumped a whole bunch of people together under a term that doesn't even apply! As a woman of color, I get that shit all the time. Just accept people won't like your oversimplification of lifestyles, race, ethnicity and races as an ignorant white boy and keep moving. It's ok to learn

bingo! also, not really understanding what a word means and then using it out of context to loosely and incorrectly describe the actions of people that also happen to be minorities, marginalized, underrepresented, and misunderstood, makes its usage nonsense, as well. Just, be careful.

i was wondering what the law folk thought about this show. all healthcare professionals feel the same about every doctor show on tv ever!

I mean even Michaela is wearing a mask (or at least her actress is). Do people think her hair grows out perfectly straight like that? That is the effort of hours upon hours of straightening. Same with the likes of Olivia Pope (Washington) and Sleepy Hollow's Nicole Beharie.

you did though. if this was a petite white woman, i doubt you would have made the comment. i do forget that black women, our hairstyles and hair regimes, makeup-patterns, and stuff of the like is new to many non-black viewers of the show. so it have to exhibit more patience with shit like what you spewed up there. but

this is a gross comment if I ever saw one.

Western standards of beauty.

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