
Actually, the Robert E Lee statue that was taken down in New Orleans was requested by an Alabama mayor.

Yes this!!!



Get well soon! Immunosuppressants like Remicade and and Vedo are really strong and help push into remission!

agreed! did the whole point of the fact that the principal has been openly racist towards their bigger school demographic (latin americans) and the fact that only black students appear to be mentored by their program completely fly over the article author's head? so discrimination is OK as long as one less

YES this! female here (putting you on check, Seattle)… I once went on a date with an engineer from Amazon who coughed on his drink when I did confirm that yes, I was an MD. His response "oh? so you're actually smart too?"

watching with a bunch of overly eager and fantastically useless docs, we all shrugged it off as the deltoid

For Tyrion it was probably a reaction to both the magnitude of carnage and the fact he was seeing his own House taking a heavy hit. I mean I'm sure he has some reserve remorse… (hence the why the fuck ain't my bro running away?????)

IIRC Sam and Ethan were kissing right before they were interrupted by the Harvard Diversity Couple. Then the four were interrupted by Lisa. After the Diversity Couple leaves and Sam departs, she remarks that she saw Sam and Ethan speaking really tensely/arguing with each other about something. In order for her to have

the latter. she tells ethan that she saw them intensely speaking as if they were arguing. But doesn't seem to mention the kiss that followed afterward. unless she was just being withholding when confronting ethan and sam, i don't know how she couldn't have seen them swapping spit (and not immediately freak out).

Umm… that's how they get from place to place…? The only time I got upset about an Uber driver's directionality was when he didn't know how to get from Downtown Montreal to the friggin international airport.

but you guys already ran this article last year. like literally last year.

According to Tumblr, Winfrey/Zuckerberg 2020!!!

Britta's the WORST

but oddly in that same sequence before the dog runs off, she looks down at it and says "no more treats" in ep 3.

*somewhere Emma Stone sighs in relief*

Right. The entire plot is dealing with a guy who lives in duality and cognitive dissonance discovering along with the viewer who he is and who he isn't. The show is not only immersing us in the events surrounding him, but to some degree, how he'd perceive/process it without being overtly kitsch or terribly heavy. It's

True! but they have that crappy live action series on ABC going.

I saw him in black mirror and thoroughly enjoyed his performance. As an American black, even I'm aware that racism towards black people isn't simply relegated to the US experience. SLJ can have several seats on this one.