
I teared up during the violin scene. What a beautiful piece of music. That child actor is amazing. I love Amia so much, I almost love her too much for her to be with Louie. If anything, I want her around for his kids.

I watched one "Whose Wedding" for a couple that had a budget wedding. The wedding planner didn't even show up on the wedding day to arrange it, nor decorate the space because she was "sick" or something. It was awful because she video'd an apology that seemed more "sorry, not sorry" than anything.

Agreed! And the way food was served! And the food, particularly if it's an ethnic wedding. My Vietnamese best friend's sister got married at a pretty typical reception hall; but the tables all had a lazy susan in the center (20 tables that sat about 10-12 people). They put out each appetizer and entree (and they

My parents fell asleep watching TLC once back in the day on a Saturday night. I came downstairs to find something like the History of Sex on tv. I was 9. It was pretty traumatizing. Other than that, they tended to watch documentaries on botched exorcisms and a sensationalized take on life in the ER, etc.

I'm going to side with Winston sitting on the porch while the lunacy was going on inside Will's house on my opinion of the whole Verger subplot. Couldn't care any less. :( They really made the last three episodes drag. What I really enjoyed about Will being institutionalized and at least the first 6 episodes of the

I called it on Epi 10 she would be the one to stop the big fight at the end. When she started practicing her shooting, I was convinced. Excited to see how it all goes down.

I watched this episode (the first that my sisters have seen) with my siblings last night. They were not impressed. I tried explaining to them that the murders are usually more artistic than those of this episode, and it didn't help.

MMMMMMM. I love dumplings!

upvoted your upvote. I really liked all of those three. Gourmet was one of the first kdrama I'd ever seen. LOVED it. History of a Salaryman was smart and funny tv. Reply 1997 was so uncharacteristically realistic. All of these dramas had me so invested in each of their worlds.

If youre into romcoms and soaps, BOF is good for you. If not:

And for completedness sake, the best korean dramas ive ever seen (in order) and would probably do well as remakes even for Western tv (US/UK)

this is getting messy *grabs popcorn*

Really disappointed with these choices for a Kpop intro. Sure, Girls' Generation is a MUST, particularly 'Gee', but a lot of these other choices are pretty lacking for a more complete picture.

I also want to point out that I really respect Louie to take this issue into consideration and put it out there. It's rare for it to be addressed like this. Not pandering, just a real honest vent about image and perception and the plight it has on people who deal with it every day.

Definitely. Im sorry. that was a particularly bad generalization. and I'm aware WASPS have their own issues.

I knew that was going to bite me after I said but gosh darn it I was so enraged. It's true. I'm sorry. I should have left it at everyone has their struggles.

I know I'm going to come off like a huge bad person here. First of all, I want to state that we all have insecurities, we all have issues and we most certainly all have characteristics that are immediately embraced, lusted after, despised, and are not attractive to EVERYONE. WE ALL HAVE OUR STRUGGLES, basically, as

Agreed… kinda.

very Tatiana Maslany a la Orphan Black's Helena.

Disappointed that Aaron Abrams character didn't have any moment of pathos when Freddie Lounds was killed. Didn't they have a thing? Sure, she betrayed him, but I can't imagine one being so intimate at some point with her completely unfazed that her now "charred remains" are on the examination table. Unless of course,