
Agreed. Outside of making Will an almost baby-daddy, they have no relation to anyone on the rest of the show. They definitely add to the universe, but I can't help but not be impressed with any part of them or their story. I too have not read/watched the canon. However, I wear Hannibal's expression of perturbation

wow. completely missed that. darn my memory!

After learning more about eating Ortolan, now I'm kinda disappointed they didn't eat the Ortolan with the ritual of placing the napkin/hood over their heads (to hide themselves and their gluttony from God/flavor reasons). Not only would it have made for something more dramatic and moving, it would heighten the

Sounds yummy! I really want to try this. As long as it's not gooey from guts on the inside, i think i'll be alright with putting this on my bucket list.

Great interview and a thrilling episode. The best since Futamono.

I would hope they left her ovaries in.

Scary? The scene is supposed to be vile, disturbing and revolting. Not really scary… Of all the things though, the candy?

They actually looked really good to me. I've seen, besides Bourdain, many travel hosts eat full birds like that so the scene wasn't as shocking to me. It's like eating a tiny quail.

they'll all use internet explorer just to dial the sexy back.

that would be fitting considering our national rank in HIV incidence per year.

NCIS New Orleans? I'm flattered. We're not really known for intelligent crime.

"Sweet Life, about affluent African-Americans who summer at Martha’s Vineyard."


I completely forgot about him! He barely existed in the Elementary World. I was thinking possibly Marcus Bell simply because of the parallelism between Mary and Mark (if only in pronunciation). Oh well, I do like characters that serve many more purposes than simply being two-dimensional renditions from canon on

:'-( damn you NBC. screwing with my heart like this. You renew Hannibal and then go ahead and ax Community?

Best tv news all week!

Might want to see a doctor for that. Your hands shouldn't have eyes.

They put this huge banner of a spooky baby stroller practically covering up the entire bottom third of the screen while I was watching Hannibal. Needless to say, it was very rude.

I would hope that if Brenda does go to New Girl, they give her a personality. She was basically Cece #2, with a furguson. She has range to play much better characters than most tv shows these days offer her, with the exception of Scandal. Scandal allowed her to be witty, very cheery and smart. I thought she was

really? oh. less impressive then.