
Pizza is a great equalizer. Rich people love pizza, poor people love pizza, white people love pizza, black people love pizza… wait… do black people like pizza?

RIP Enlisted. You served us well.

Whatever it was, we saw in episode 3 him nearly push out a 3x3 cm foreign object that was lodged in his hand.

Now i think about it again, you may be on to something. perhaps there isn't even a festering hand injury there at all but some sort of psychological torment (guilt) Lester is holding on to. It surprises me that no one has ever seen it, or picked it up, yet, whenever Lester is alone, we see him poking and prodding and

I think the characters are just a tad more relative. It also could be that our master of mischief is one of these characters instead of a looming deity like Lovecraftian presence a la Yellow King in True Detective. The plus to TD was that even in the midst of all that mysticism, we became observers of Rust and Marty's

The hospital put a freaking bandaid on it. They didn't even image the wound. I'm sure if someone palpated his hand they would feel an entire shell in it.

I was really surprised that Lester just didn't use his machine gun free for all from the end of the last episode as an excuse to go to the hospital. I'm sure he would have convinced anyone there that he may have been injured while handling the firearm.

I assume he has an ulterior motive. He seemed way too ready to let this whole case go, and his body language when Molly mentioned they had Malvo in custody, he seemed to tense up just a bit. Im sure it also had to do with Molly staying on the case while he deliberately pulled her off of it. But I'm skeptical of him

It can take days to weeks but it depends on when septic shock settles in. I assume because he hit the skin barrier, he probably has a staph infection, but since it's been so exposed, it's most likely polymicrobial and harder to treat with basic antibiotics. Considering it's also near some bony surfaces, he may also

Last episode, Sterling made a comment about Mary Wells "sitting in Don's lap" when he was presenting the idea of allowing Don back into the firm to his fellow partners while competition is still stiff. Prime example of the fact that Miss Wells, even at the height of her success was still considered a man toy to some

Won't anyone think of the Wendigo?!

When the camera focused on her grimace when she we are first introduced to Cale I was almost sure we were about to watch her telepathically set fire to his head.

All of this works that kids are terribly naive.

I don't mind the attempts to keep Kira naive, with a sense of normalcy for her (for lack of a better word) while on the run. But I shuddered every time they let Kira drift off by herself ANYWHERE. Considering anyone can be a chaperone, a mark, a cop, a double agent, and Sarah's otherwise self-protective paranoia, it

She's not funny :/

I found it hilarious. The random transitions with stock video had me almost crying.

I'm a sucker for breakfast foods.

Couldn't she just get a sperm sample from a bank though? Unless she has a thing for Will's eyes. I wouldn't blame her.

She… really could have just gotten some in vitro. I'd imagine if my life was already so confuddled, last thing I'd want to do is complicate it further by adding even moar near-psychopath DNA to my legacy. I mean does she WANT to have Rosemary's Baby?

I think it's gotten goofier looking because it interacts with the scenes much more than it used to. Much more menacing when it kinda hovered around. The time I cracked up was when the Wendigo was transposed on Hannibal's body in the court room. All I could think about was Wendigo wearing a pocket square.