
YES! I thought that too. Particularly when Will pushes her against the wall. She even fired a shot towards the ceiling too! Unfortunately, this time, there wasn't any character we thought dead but actually alive hanging out in the shed (if indeed Beverly saw Miriam Lass before she died). RIP ABIGAIL.

So this episode… what?!!!

I can just imagine Hannibal seething with murderous rage when he finds out Will actually bought the meat from Wal-Mart.

macaroni with strawberry sauce? i didn't know this exists. how?

MMM. Sounds delicious.

I was waiting for it but was still satisfied with all the else.

literally! because it's been served atop a bed of lettuce.


It will be! Versailles is as majestic as all the pics and footage imply. Get your sightseeing done in the beginning half of the day (mornings if you can), rushing to the Lourve right before closing is a nightmare. When I went, it was almost a decade ago, and during the summer. It gets really uncomfortably hot so make

It really can be stressful! I'm getting worried that she saw my CV and transcript and just wasn't impressed. Understandable. I would not call medical school the banner years of my life. And my transcript would agree. Actually, it would guffaw and then agree. I want this job. SOOOO BAD. Like I can't even…. But the

This is going to be amazing.

Name: it's the title of a Jpop song I didnt even like ( http://www.youtube.com/watc… ). I used to be a fan of japanese pop music years ago. It was released in a single by Natsumi Abe shortly after Hurricane Katrina, and when I had to invent new passwords for all the new accounts for new schools and transitional work,

IU - Bad Day
Kye Kye - Hiding Place
Elevation - Unstoppable
johnnyswim - Diamonds
Lorde - Buzzcut Season

Good luck!

Oh, it definitely is a labor of love. But I'm trying to conserve a little more cash this week to save for Mother's day (makes sense if one completely disregards the rest of my above post), so it's really helpful and cheap to make at home to last for at least 4 nights of dinner in a single batch.

I made chicken pho on saturday! Still yummy and is lasting me this week.


It was strange, wasn't it? Seemed like something out of a Wes Anderson spot for a moment. I just chucked it up to those guys just being weirdos. And along the lines of an alternative to a motel bigtitmcplotdevice mentioned, I also think they're laying low as much as possible considering they practically had a run in

C. It's always C.

Resident Evil was also a hit game series…