
Where you can one step a-head of your peers! Literally!

Wow! Mad Men and the Bletchley Circle AND Anthony Bourdain in one night? And somehow I've studied through all of it?!

for starters they're probably not Korean, like its own avatar suggests.

All very well said. However, my frustration with her as a character is that she's a psychiatrist, and her very field, and most oftentimes the type of personality that draws one to it, almost demands speculation of even the most benign of people. Considering she's working on an investigation involving the murders of

True, but I'm assuming your husband had his surgery done at a hospital with a urologist rather than an observatory in the middle of nowhere with a general surgeon that hadn't practiced surgery in decades.

Agreed, up until the last point. I think Ellen Page is doing fine job of handling Kitty's role.

Hahaha! I think you may be on the money with a woman taking somebody down in that scene. But I won't be surprised if it's Alana shooting Hannibal (not a fatal shot, just something to wound him maybe), but I also would consider her shooting Jack (if she still hasn't come around to the idea of Hannibal possibly being a

I do! haha. It seems as if Will was there for at the very least one month. I imagine the first two episodes of this season probably had the longest time course. After all, when Will gets visitors Alana, Bev, Hannibal even, his interactions with them seem to imply that it's been a while since he'd seen them. I'd put


I hope I wasn't the only one who guffawed at that part. It was so out of place.

I agree. I did like how bright it was, in contrast to the Lecter home. The imagery makes sense. But I expected a little more personality, myself. He's a psychiatrist (an interestingly colorful one at that), who would no doubt have a certain sense about himself and his own tastes. It seemed like a rather stock and

Don't get me wrong, I agree that he can survive this, but neck lacerations are very fatal though. Besides being shot square in the forehead, being shot in the heart or the abdominal aorta, they're one of the few GSW can pretty much take you out instantaneously. Remember that the 1st victim of the entire show died with

Now I really wonder if Miriam Lass was who Beverly had seen shortly before she met her demise. I would hope that they would show Miriam pictures of the Chesapeake Ripper's other victims just in case she had ever seen the others being hurt and/or killed and dismembered.

It's possible Abigail is still alive somewhere. After all, we never saw her body.

Fun fact: He also wore this shirt on S1 E2 "Amuse-Bouche" when he had the first sighting of the Ravenstag while drifting in and out of sleep in Abigail Hobb's hospital room. He awoke to find Alana reading Flannery to Abigail in her coma and she talked about how stupid peacocks were. It was a bonding experience.

They're a trifling pair.

I thought that was Bev's scene?

He was wearing an orange prison jumpsuit when in the interview room. So at this point, he has been arrested, not simply brought in for questioning.

It sure does!!!!

I dig-it.