
she's had dinner there in season 1, she cooked with Hannibal as well back then. Remember when she had that pilsner glass of specially prepared Hannibrew?

Exactly. Well my hope is that his work on CBS will keep some of the intellectual integrity from Colbert Report intact. I liked the kinds of guests he had on his show, writers, journalists, ceo's, scientists, clergy, activists, politicians, political pundits, professors, thinkers, teachers, innovators. I would be

I get it. I hate coconut meat in anything. But the flavor is good.

mmm Hugh Dancy cleans up fancy.

Jack has had a history of pushing his agents to extremes, it's not a particularly good look. Not after Will's indictment, Bev's death, and Miriams PTSD. Oh and Dr. Chilton's death.

Oh a barbituate! I've only seen it used as a sedative once, but besides mimicking other antieplieptics (like phenobarb and even those in the benzodiazepine family) and perhaps use for anxiety (like Busiprone is) I don't know too much about it. The main course of action is inhibition of GABAa receptors in the brain

mmm. Thinking of having some next friday night. Coincidentally, I did have a craving for pho. I had a baguette slice with some cookie butter so the urge to eat myself to sleep. But it doesn't help that I can make the pho broth (though it takes me half a day) and that there's a Vietnamese place a block away from my

Amazing episode. Chilton was such an interesting character. I'm sorry to see him go, although I don't know if he's truly dead (I only saw a left cheek abrasion) on the scanning shot post-gun shot wound. Raul Esparza's fear and trembling was acted very well. God, was he on fire tonight.

Oh? So that explains my indigestion the last time I had the chili. My GI tract tolerates ginger only sometimes.

And in the shrimp sauce :-/ That was definitely not 6L of blood in those cannisters in the old shearing shed.

I hope Will and Jack spend half the night making cannibal puns while sharing the meal.

Mmmm. I initially read this as "shall i prepare you stir-fried in oyster sauce"? I'm hungry enough that even that would be appetizing. I'll opt for the toe-fu instead.

Sounds yummy! I need to try a cider. I didn't cook, but went out to the French Quarter Festival. There I had a boudin ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wik… ) sausage sandwich, some BBQ nachos, and a coconut creme snoball, washed down with an Abita Jockamo (IPA). I got home with 3 mins to spare before Hannibal.

I considered that was the case but it happened so fast, I wasn't so sure. Thanks!

What the hell is an FBI agent that has just been through psychological trauma doing with a gun on her person?

No spring break for me but a long weekend. I have a little studying to do, but it's French Quarter Fest this weekend, so I'll be hitting that up.

I used to dislike the taste of beer until I tried fruit beers and lambics. I usually don't even get a buzz/tired when drinking most beers. But a single of bottle bock beer gets me to sleep each time.

Maibock / Helles Bock style beers are my favorite!

After I get my life situated (see above) I'd love to invest my time in learning guitar. I played piano (horribly and nonchalantly) for 10 years as a kid, dabbled in violin for 3 years, and stopped when I started college because apparently was too cool for music school. Now I regret ever flaking out! Trying to pick it

I'm grateful (getting my M.D. in May) but terrified. I am deferring my intern year in hopes to do clinical research since I was a little off-sequence with my curriculum. My family is moving to Seattle this summer and I'd like to be close to them (I'm currently in New Orleans) but the Children's Hospital I'm trying to